๐Ÿ‘‘ Modest Plant Based ๐Ÿ‘‘

All is mental. Explore esoteric knowledge and vibrate at high levels. Delicious alkaline vegan meals. Mindset Motivation

Think Like You Know

This is an image depicting the majesty of the cosmos. Amidst the image is the face of a beautiful women. This is to highlight aspects of the divine feminine being present within the cosmos. There is a quote that reads, 'Think Like You Know. how to ACTUALLY use your mind the way it was designed.' The owner of Modest Plant Based has created a mindset course, entitled think like you know to help people understand how to master their mindset. The owner believes if a person has an understanding that their previous thoughts and actions have led to their current reality, and if they have an understanding that their current thoughts and actions is manifesting their new reality, they should THINK like they know.

Manifesting Starts in the Mind

Hi babes! I named this course ‘Think Like You Know’ because I genuinely believe that my previous thoughts and actions have led me to where I am in life. I also believe that my current thoughts and actions are manifesting my new reality. Therefore, I like to THINK like I KNOW this is true.

I’ve also been interested in the brain since I was a little child. I almost went to medical school in hopes of becoming a neurologist. While I didn’t walk down that path, I still am interested in learning about the brain, spinal cord and the mind.

Elijah Type Faith

This free manifestation journal walks you through some of my favorite bible passages relating to manifestation. Did you know that without faith it is impossible to please God? Yet, God is said to be the only one who can give us faith. I encourage you to read the books of 1st and 2nd Kings to see the type of faith Elisha had!

Is Manifesting Biblical?

Our minds are so powerful! Our teachers were telling us the truth when they told us that we can do anything we set our mind to. Because our mind is the tool that brings experiences and opportunities into our realities. Each one of us, is the center of our own reality.

Each of our realities are blended with the reality of those around us. Having an understanding of this, allows you to literally live in your own world. This is the meaning of, “being in the world, but not a part of it.” When you understand the way, your mind works you are able to say, “I see the society, and all is well in my world.”

Daily Protective Meditation Audio

Start your day with a powerful meditation designed to lock your energy, protect your spirit, and set the tone for a positive and productive day. This 10-minute meditation guides you through a calming journey. Reminding you that your thoughts, feelings, and words are embedded into every cell of your body.

How do I start manifesting?

I was a teenager when I watched the documentary ‘The Secret.’ Fascinated by the possibility of being able to control my reality with my thoughts, I began reciting affirmations to myself and being optimistic about having a better life. Of course, this information was presented to me while I was still curious in manipulating the energy around me.

I grew up in a Christian household, manipulation of energy was referred to as witchcraft. Practicing witchcraft was seen as one of the most egregious of sins. I am glad that I was able to explore areas of my religion, the religion of others, spirituality, ‘witchcraft,’ and mentalism.

Had I not, I wouldn’t have come to the understanding that I now have. I’ve come to the understanding that different people are on different paths in life. Where one is now, they may not be tomorrow && most people have traveled a long way from where they once were.

Think Like You Know

I have evidence to believe that the reality we experience is simply a projection of our minds.

A mindset shift regarding thoughts

Let’s change your POV! Download Video!

Is this manifesting course for you?

What you’ll hear in this mindset course really isn’t my words. This course is a compilation of knowledge shared by thought leaders such as Napolean Hill, Bob Proctor, Neville Goddard and the like. The core of the message is this, be mindful of the thoughts you think, the feelings that you feel, the words you speak and the actions that you take. We have been taught that we ARE our bodies. Which isn’t true, our bodies are an extension of our mind. We are not our mind, nor are we, our brain. We are what we are. Whatever that is. I believe we are essence. In this course you’ll hear me refer to ‘the source.’ When I say ‘source’ I mean the source of all creation, consciousness, intelligence and awareness. Which is the essence of God.