๐Ÿ‘‘ Modest Plant Based ๐Ÿ‘‘

All is mental. Explore esoteric knowledge and vibrate at high levels. Delicious alkaline vegan meals. Mindset Motivation

Alkaline Vegan Diet: What is a Dr. Sebi approved diet?

An Alkaline vegan diet is said to promote an alkaline pH within the body in hopes of helping prevent and eliminate disease from the body.

Understanding the alkaline vegan diet.

When it comes to alkaline veganism, there are two segments. Individuals in the first group shy away from pork, cheese, pastries, bread, and soda. Individuals in the second group, shy away from any items not listed on Dr. Sebiโ€™s nutritional guide. Many foods considered alkaline aren’t recommended in Dr. Sebi’s nutritional guide, such as spinach, almonds, broccoli, and pinto beans- to name a few.

Dr. Who?

I first heard of the Alkaline Vegan diet after hearing the late Dr. Sebi speak on YouTube. He had a theory that states mucus is the root cause of all diseases. His advice for eliminating this mucus is to maintain an alkaline environment in the body. If you need a refresher on 6th-grade science, anything with a pH over 7 is considered alkaline, 7 is considered neutral, and anything below 7 is considered acidic.

Dr. Sebi believed that acidic foods feed mucus, which wreaks havoc on the body. Per Dr. Sebi, if one eliminates acidic food, they’ll eliminate the mucus, and eliminate the disease. He was even kind enough to provide a nutritional guide to help those who want to give it a go. Dr. Sebi isnโ€™t the only person who believes an alkaline vegan diet is beneficial to humans. Nor is he the only person who discouraged the consumption of any hybrid foods- such as corn, potatoes, and wheat.

A photo of  Alfredo Bowman. Known by many as Dr. Sebi. The man who spread the knowledge of the alkaline vegan diet.
A photo of Alfredo Bowman. Known by many as Dr. Sebi. The man who spread the knowledge of the alkaline vegan diet.

What is an alkaline vegan diet?

An alkaline vegan diet, whether approved by Dr. Sebi or accepted by the masses, eliminates meat, dairy, and processed foods. A general rule of thumb is if your brain canโ€™t understand the ingredient list, your mouth shouldnโ€™t consume it. When grocery shopping, you’ll want to purchase foods from the outskirts of the market and proceed with caution when purchasing items from within the aisle. Admittedly, the nutritional guide that Dr. Sebi recommends may seem limited. However, this blog post will help you navigate creating amazingly delicious alkaline dishes inspired by your current favorite meals. 

What foods are encouraged?

Water, water, and more water. The human body is composed of roughly 60% of water- consume it! I do not drink a gallon of water a day per Dr. Sebiโ€™s recommendation. Iโ€™m getting flashbacks now to when I passed out in the grocery store. Upon arriving at the hospital, I was told I flushed out my electrolytes with so much water. To correct this issue, I now get most of my water from fresh fruits, water-dense veggies, and coconut water. Along with additional herbal teas and sipping water throughout the day.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are strongly encouraged on an alkaline vegan diet. Preferably organic. If youโ€™re interested in learning more about which specific foods are recommended in Dr. Sebiโ€™s nutritional guide, check out this blog post that goes more in-depth about how to make Dr. Sebi’s nutritional guide work for you.


The thing about it is. The science just isnโ€™t there to concretely support whether an alkaline vegan diet alone is sufficient to eradicate diseases from the body. At least, I didnโ€™t find sufficient documentation on scholarly Google. However, there is sufficient evidence to conclude that a diet comprised of whole plant-based foods is extremely beneficial to eliminate the disease from the body. Diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and glaucoma have been eliminated by a whole-food diet. There are also many testimonials from individuals stating they have gone into remission from lupus and have seen a reduction of fibroids on a diet that followed Dr. Sebi’s nutritional guide.

Do further research to conclude which diet is best for you. My recommendation? A 6-week alkaline vegan detox that follows Dr. Sebiโ€™s nutritional guide. Have bloodwork drawn before you begin, and once again after your detox is completed. Decide for yourself if youโ€™re interested in sticking with Dr. Sebiโ€™s nutritional guide. Or if youโ€™re interested in including other alkaline ingredients recommended by a licensed nutritionist. If you do decide to undergo an alkaline vegan detox, be sure to check out this blog post that provides suggestions on how not to get bored! Take your health into your own hands! Happy eating ๐Ÿ™‚

Before you go,

The alkaline vegan diet can be considered as a partial fast. I’ve created a free eBook for you that goes into everything you need to know about fasting. In this eBook, you’ll learn the history of fasting, how to properly prepare for a fast, as well as how to properly break a fast. There are different types of fasting. All of which we explore in this eBook. The refeeding phase of a fast is so important. This is why I recommend people undergo a six-week alkaline vegan detox. Which essentially is a Daniel fast, only alkaline! Thanks for reading!

-Aiyaken Sarai <3

This blog post was written without the assistance of AI