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Best Detox Cleanse: Learn how to detox your body properly.

drinking fresh green juice is a wonderful way to add more vitamins and minerals to your diet


Are you searching for the best detox cleanse? Searching on Google you’ll see that many people are looking for easy ways to lose weight. They say to themselves, ‘What can I drink to detox my body?’ and they go online and find a brand of tea that they can purchase that promises to help them lose 5 pounds a day every day for a month. We must let go of these gimmicks and scams. The only way that you’re going to properly detox your body is by living a lifestyle that incorporates fresh fruits and vegetables along with herbs. This is the only way to detox your body. Those miracles in a bottle are a scam and unless the tea is an herbal tea blend it’s a scam as well. Let me say this, there is no such thing as a 6-day detox.

The best detox cleanse is one that hydrates and heals from the inside out. That will take weeks, months even. The detox that I’d advise is known as the Daniel Fast. Which is a partial fast. While on the Daniel Fast individuals eliminate meat, salt, dairy, and refined sugar. The detox that we’ll be exploring in this blog post goes a step further. It also eliminates any item that isn’t in Dr. Sebi’s nutritional guide.

Let’s explore the best detox cleanse there is!

The blog posts on fasting were derived from a free ebook that I prepared for you. This ebook goes into detail about what fasting is, the different types of fasting, how to successfully break your fast, and how to incorporate the Daniel fast to further detox your body! You can find that ebook here.

– Aiyaken Sarai

What does a cleanse do to your body?

The main purpose of a cleanse is to aid the body in destroying excessive fat cells, eliminating toxins, and restoring the body to optimal health. Oftentimes time people are so focused on cleansing their colon when they attempt a detox. Other organs in the body eliminate waste and toxins such as the kidneys, the liver, and the skin. These organs work in harmony to detox your body.

The Skin

One way the skin gets rid of toxins is through your sweat. When you sweat you release waste and toxins through your pores. The skin also eliminates substances through your sebum. Sebum is the oil that comes out of your skin. Sebum can trap and carry out toxins. That is why it’s important to keep your skin clean, scalp included. This is why we bathe regularly, and shower immediately after exercising. No running errands after working up a sweat at the gym. We exercise not just to maintain our amazing physique but also to aid in the purification process that our body goes through daily.

The Liver

The liver hits toxins with a two-part punch. The first punch is a phase where it breaks down toxins into less harmful substances. Then it hits the toxins with another jab where those broken-down compounds combine with other molecules in your body, making them water-soluble and easily excreted. It works with the kidneys and the intestines to get rid of those toxins once and for all! Keep in mind, that alcohol dulls the effectiveness of the liver knock-out combo.

The Kidneys

The kidneys filter out waste and extra fluid from your blood, this is why we urinate. Your kidneys have little pockets inside of them called nephrons. All of your blood passes through your kidneys. Your Kidneys filter out waste, salt, and any other unnecessary fluid. All of the good stuff is sent back into the bloodstream and the waste is sent to the bladder. This is why I cringe when I think about how proud I and my fellow Cross Country teammates would be when we were so excited to pee clear. When you urinate, you’re eliminating toxins. You want to see those toxins in your pee. Proper hydration keeps your kidneys happy. You stay hydrated properly by consuming water-dense fruits and vegetables as opposed to chugging water.

Fun Fact: It takes one minute for the blood that is pumped out of your heart to circulate through your body and return to the heart!

The Colon

The colon, also known as your large intestine, is what everyone wants to detox when they think about going on a cleanse. This is where the laxatives come in, the slim teas and other tonics. When in reality those products are just making you poop! Pooping is the final stage of the body eliminating what it doesn’t need.

The process begins in your small intestine. Your small intestine absorbs nutrients from the food that you eat. After the nutrients are absorbed you’re left with water and particles from any undigested food. Your colon will then absorb the water and the electrolytes and turn the undigested food into stool.

This is why gut health is so important. Contrary to popular belief, having a gut is a wonderful thing. The gut is your gastrointestinal system. It includes your stomach, intestines, and colon. The fat around your waist is not your gut. I REPEAT: belly fat is not your gut! The good bacteria in your colon helps to break down substances and produce vitamins. You assist your colon by consuming fiber. Fiber is nature’s broom. It sweeps away all of the unwanted particles. You can further assist your colon with proper hydration and eating a balanced diet.

A cleanse typically when people put their Standard American Diet on pause. During this pause, they consume fruit juices, vegetable juices, and whole foods rich in fiber. They will see amazing results. These results could look like weight loss, reversing diabetes and hypertension. After they’ve seen the results, they want they typically return to eating the SAD diet. The best way to cleanse your body is to maintain a mindset of detoxing all year around. Of course, items from the SAD diet are fine in moderation.

What is the fastest way to flush your body of toxins?

The fastest way to flush toxins out of your body is to undergo a water fast or a dry fast and then refeed your body properly with this 6-week alkaline detox. Again, I’ve written a free eBook for you that goes into further details. If you want to skip the water fast or dry fast and go directly into this alkaline vegan detox that’s perfectly fine too.

Prepare mentally and physically.

Physically, I encourage you to gradually eliminate salt and sugar from your diet. I also encourage you to find recipes that you can implement during this 6-week detox. I’m providing you with a guideline. I cannot provide you with recipes for each week because I do not know you personally. I love mushrooms, do you like mushrooms? I love coconut, are you allergic? What about nuts, can you eat those? See how my recipes may not be the best for everyone? This is why you need to do your research and find recipes that suit you. Pinterest is an amazing resource.

Mentally, I encourage you to prepare your mind for your detox. Set your intentions on what you would like for the outcome of this detox to be. When you have a reason for doing something it helps make it easier to complete the task. I’ve written a blog post that covers how to prepare for your fast and detox, you can read that here. Now that I’ve covered those things let’s get into the meat of the blog post: how to get a full-body cleanse detox at home.

The Best Detox Cleanse

The detox that I am recommending is inspired by the Daniel fast. I’m only suggesting that you take things a step further and only consume items in Dr. Sebi’s nutritional guide. If you don’t want to do that, that’s okay. This detox will still work wonderfully for you. (I mean, I assume, I’m not like a doctor or anything) While on this detox you are to eliminate meat. Eliminate Dairy, processed sugar eliminate salt. (You can survive without hot sauce, just learn how to season your food) Do I need to mention that you should also avoid alcohol and cigarette smoke?

Week one: Liquids

The first week of your detox will be all liquid. When you’re coming off of a water fast or a dry fast consuming all liquids will be a walk in the park. If you’re jumping into this detox after having been consuming a horrible diet- bless your little heart. Honestly, it is possible to go into a liquid diet cold turkey. Many of us have done it multiple times. We’d still encourage you to properly prepare.

During this first week, you can consume fresh fruit juices and fresh vegetable juices. Along with coconut water and herbal tea. Use your discretion when it comes to coffee. While smoothies are delicious, they are not juice. If you do not have a juicer, you can utilize a blender and a mesh strainer to filter the fiber from the smoothies. These should be consumed immediately and not stored in the fridge for future use.

Week two: Fruits

During the second week of your detox, you will be consuming whole fruits. Preferably fresh fruits, not fruit from a can. You are still encouraged to drink fresh fruit juices and fresh vegetable juices. Along with coconut water and herbal tea.

While you’re incorporating whole fruits into your diet this week, you will not be consuming whole vegetables during this week. Remember to refer to the nutritional guide when making your selections. The alkaline detox requires your fruits to be seeded. If you’re just doing the regular Daniel fast feel free to get whichever fruit you desire. It’s also encouraged that the fruit be organic. However, if you are not able to purchase organically, do the best you can with what you have.

The same is true for canned fruits. If you live in a food desert, meaning there isn’t a grocery store where you can buy fresh fruits and vegetables within a 5-10 mile radius, do the best with what you have, If you gotta eat fruit from a can that you purchased at the Dollar Tree so be it. It’s better than eating a burger off of the dollar menu of a fast food joint.

Week three: Vegetables

During this week you will be consuming whole vegetables. Preferable organic. During this week you will not be eating whole fruits. However, you are permitted to drink fruit juice. This is in addition to vegetable juices, coconut water, and herbal tea. Avocados, cucumbers, bell peppers, and tomatoes are fruits, but I’d say you can still incorporate those into this week. There is a saying, ‘Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to put a tomato in a fruit salad.’

Please, season your vegetables. You want your vegetables to taste delicious and savory. You get the delicious flavor from SEASONING. Whether you enjoy your vegetables blanched like me or roasted there are so many different options for you out there that you’ll never get bored.

You can also include oils to enhance the flavor of your veggie meals as well. Keep in mind that some oils are recommended to only be consumed in their raw form, meaning they shouldn’t be heated.

Week four: Fruits and Vegetables

During this week you’ll be consuming whole fruits as well as whole vegetables. Along with fruit juice, vegetable juice, coconut water, and herbal teas. This is also a good time to research food combinations and how foods interact with each other.

Week five: Fruits, Vegetables, Grains

In the fifth week, you may begin incorporating whole grains into your diet. Some of you may choose to stay away from starchy grains such as white pasta. May I suggest chickpea pasta? It’s my favorite. If you need a rice replacement, wild rice is recommended. Some people enjoy cauliflower rice! While it isn’t on Dr. Sebi’s nutritional guide I know many of you are looking for resources on the Daniel fast so I wanted to include that as an option for you. You may have tried zucchini noodles during week three, those are still good to consume during this week. There are many homemade plant-based sauces that you can try. Feel free to utilize a homemade tomato sauce, avocado sauce, or butternut squash sauce.

Week six: Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Nuts, and seeds

This is the week where you begin incorporating nuts and seeds into your meals. You’ll have more options for sauces! I know you noticed how many sauces call for seeds! Nuts and seeds are extremely fun to experiment with because there are so many different sauces, cheeses, and meat substitutes that you can create. The sky is truly the limit. It may prove helpful to soak your nuts and seeds before consumption.

You may have noticed that legumes were not included during the six-week detox. I included chickpeas, which are a legume, during the fifth week because it is my preferred pasta of choice. You may choose to incorporate legumes during week five if you’re seeking a wheat replacement, or you can save them for the fifth week with nuts and grains. It’s up to you

The main thing to remember is to listen to your body, remember why you started, and stay FOCUSED on what you hope to achieve. This is the best detox cleanse because it’s the most forgiving.


The proverb, ‘Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready’ is what comes to mind when someone asks, ‘How to detox your body to lose weight.’ Detoxing just means cleaning your system. Let’s use your home as an example. You sweep and mop your floors just about every day, right? Your dishes are washed every day. You clean your toilet every day, wash your tub and shower regularly. Just the same, you hydrate your body properly every day by eating water-dense fruits and vegetables such as grapes, watermelon, and squash. You eat fiber-rich foods like apples and legumes.

There’s no need to clean your walls and baseboards on a daily basis. You don’t need to clean your blinds every day. Just the same, you don’t need to detox often.

Stay away from those lose weight quick drinks that promise to clean your colon out overnight. A well-balanced diet will ensure all of your detoxifying organs are working in harmony flushing out toxins daily.

May you now have a better understanding of how your body flushes out toxins on a detox as well as what you can eat to help your body cleanse. The best detox cleanses take time. Stay hydrated, eat right, and exercise. Keep your body clean inside and out. That’s all there is to it.

Thank you so much for reading this blog post on the best detox cleanse. May you never attempt another 3-day cleanse or 6-day cleanse again. Unless it’s a water fast or a dry fast, which I do recommend you try. Remember, all things are possible, they are! The best is yet to come and the odds are always in your favor. Take care!

-Aiyaken Sarai <3

This blog post was written without the assistance of AI

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