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Ye Are Gods: How to Embrace Your Divine Energy.

1. the state or quality of being divine.


What is divinity? Divinity is a state of being. Divinity is the state of being divine. The definition of divine is- of, from, or like God or a god; excellent; delightful. Embracing your divinity means accepting that you are an extension of the source of all creation, consciousness, intelligence, and awareness. Ye are gods!

I will begin by saying that I am someone who has a Christian paradigm. While I no longer identify with any religion, religion has helped shape my outlook on life.

And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

Genesis 1:26

Why do I wear a tiara?

When I was a member of the Christian faith I held tightly to the idea that I was the daughter of the king of the universe. Which logically would mean that I was a princess of the universe. Ergo, the tiara. These days I hold the notion that I am a direct extention of the source of all creation. Making me the physical embodiment of the source. As such, I identify as royalty. The tiara is a symbol to myself, and others of my innate divinity.

I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most high. 

Psalms 82: 6

How to Embrace Divinity: Ye are gods!

Embracing your divinity is a daily effort. Contrary to popular belief it’s incredibly simple to set an intention and follow through with it. Make it your intention to embrace your divinity. Embracing your divinity is being the best version of yourself every day. Understanding these five steps is crucial when it comes to embracing your divinity.

  1. Tap into the source
  2. Control your mind
  3. Speak life
  4. Honor your temple
  5. Set boundaries

Tap into the source

When I say ‘tap into the source’ I mean to be in alignment with the source. Whether you subscribe to the idea of a religion, or if you are more spiritual please know that you have a direct connection with the origin of life, and with all life itself. Know that it doesn’t matter a person’s background, they too share in the connection to the source. The only thing that separates ‘man’ from their ‘god’ status is their inability to connect with their divinity.

Remember that all things work in harmony with one another. This is showcased in the law of divine oneness. If you’d like to learn more, I’ve written a blog post going into more detail. You can read it here.

It’s time to harness your divine energy! Learn how to manifest with the power of the source of all consciousness, intelligence and awareness that flows within you. Download your free manifestation journal today. This journal answers the question, ‘Is manifesting biblical?’

-Goddess Sarai

Control Your Mind

Everything you think and speak becomes embedded into the cells of your body. When they split, they leave your body. Those cells carry that information into the ether. This is what creates your aura. Your aura is a vibrational frequency and can penetrate through time, space, and matter.

You’ve heard it said that thoughts become things. This is true. You dictate the way you feel. Tell yourself, ‘Today is another wonderful day.’ Expect that the day will be wonderful. More than likely it will be. You’ve heard it said, ‘Your word is your wand.’ Let me encourage you to believe that your mind is your wand.

As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

Proverbs 23:7

Think about things that are true and honest. Reminisce about wonderful things. Reflect on things that are pure and lovely. Think about praise-worthy things. I saw a change in my reality almost IMMEDIATELY when I began incorporating solfeggio frequencies into my meditations. Below is the video that I enjoy listening to. You can read this blog post where I go into more details of how I incorporate solfeggio frequencies into my meditation.

My favorite video for solfeggio frequencies. Gaia Meditation has all nine pure tones.

Speak life

Your mind is your wand. Your words are an amplifier of your mind. Remember, your thoughts and voice have a vibrational frequency that can penetrate through time, space, and matter. Your thoughts create, while your voice reinforces.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.

Proverbs 18:21

What is fruit? Fruit is the evidence that is shown in our lives. It’s the character that a person has. It’s the manifestations that a person has. Fruit has seeds. Which can be replanted, multiplied, and reproduced. You will know someone by their fruit. Look at your life. What fruit are you producing?

Your speech is important because it is affirming. When you listen to music you hear the words in the lyrics. The vibration of the person’s voice and the vibration from the musical instruments penetrate your body. When you’re reciting the lyrics in your mind, the lyrics become your thoughts. When you’re reciting the lyrics aloud, you’re affirming them.

Use your voice to affirm your thoughts. Not only does your voice affect you directly, but it also affects those who hear it. Your words can influence the thoughts of other people. Which in turn can influence the things that they say. It’s a domino effect.

Honor Your Temple

Respecting the sanctuary was instilled in me growing up in the Christian faith. You were expected to dress respectfully. Speak respectfully and behave respectfully. There were just certain things that you did and did not do because you were inside the house of God.

Ye shall be holy: for I the LORD your God am holy

Lev 19:2. Cross reference 1 Peter 1:15-16

Our souls dwell inside these physical bodies. Essentially, our bodies are the temple that we dwell in. As far as we know, these bodies are the only ones that we get. No one knows what happens before or after awareness on Earth. Therefore no one can say with certainty that another physical experience will be had.

Certain things are considered beneficial to our bodies. Certain things are considered harmful. Our bodies are sacred. There are certain things that we should do consistently to provide an optimal state for ourselves. Our bodies need fresh air. We need to feed our bodies nutrient-rich foods. Moving our bodies is important. Skin is an organ and it needs to be cleansed and moisturized. Our thoughts and speech need to be monitored and intentional.

Our sexual energy needs to be protected as well. I mention this because we live in a day of age where promiscuity is promoted. I will not go into depth on this topic. Women, just know that your immune system views sperm as an invader. In time, your immune system will recognize it as your partner. Multiple sex partners weaken your immune system. Even if you’re homosexual, when bodily fluid is exchanged, it remains inside of your body. You’re indeed sleeping with every person that the person you’re entertaining has slept with. It’s called sexual exposure. You need to protect your energy. Honor your body, remember, ‘Ye are gods.’

Set Boundaries

You protect your energy by setting boundaries. You set boundaries by determining the way that you will and will not allow someone to treat you and speak to you. It’s also a good idea to set boundaries with yourself. Boundaries are not set as a way to build a wall between yourself and others. Boundaries are a form of protection to gauge how well a person respects and values you. Look at all of the boundaries set in place by the god of the bible. The same person recognized as a deity said, “Ye are gods!”

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Matthew 5: 48

It is a good idea to have healthy boundaries in place for all of your relationships, both professional and personal. A divine being does not allow anyone to treat them in any type of way. They expect to be treated the way they choose to be treated. Just as they treat people the way they want to be treated. Anything that we do towards another person we are essentially doing towards ourselves.

You must get comfortable with confrontation. Confrontation doesn’t have to be an altercation. You need to be able to respectfully communicate to others that they have crossed a boundary. You also need to be able to communicate with others the consequences of crossing your boundaries. Most importantly you need to be able to enforce those consequences.

When people respect the boundaries you have in place, it lets you know that they honor, value, and respect you. It also is an indicator that the person is safe. Remember, it is your divine right to establish and enforce your boundaries.


You are an extension of the source of all creation. Not to be confused with being the creator. The same source that abides within you, abides within all living things. Aligning with your highest self is how you can abide with the source. You align with your highest self when you vibrate at high levels. There are no exceptions or excuses for not operating as your best self.

Your body will vibrate high when you provide your body with nourishing foods and drinks. You need fresh air, and you need to keep your body active. Control your mind because all is mental. Think thoughts that surround the best-case scenario. Embrace your divinity by setting boundaries- you teach others how to treat you. It’s your divine birthright. Always remember, “ye are gods!”

Present yourself as a divine being. Your speech, your attire, and your demeanor should reflect your divinity. Your presentation is rooted in the personal morals and values that you hold. The more you grow and know yourself on a spiritual level the more comfortable you’ll be resting in your divine nature. You’ll begin to see a reflection of everything that you choose to see and everything you choose to be. Adjust your crown! If you’re interested in learning more about how to control your mind and work with the natural laws in our realm, I encourage you to read this post. Remember all things are possible, they are! The best is yet to come and the odds are always in your favor! Take care!

Aiyaken Sarai 馃挌馃憫

This blog post was written without the assistance of AI
