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The Law of Relativity: how to stop repeating the same thing over and over again.

A depiction of the game of life and how to play it using the law of relativity.

The Law of Relativity is in place to help you see areas in your life that could use improvement. Once you’ve successfully passed your test, you elevate to a higher level. If you don’t pass your test, life will present you with a ‘redo’ scenario. 

“In the game of life, we have experiences that help us elevate to higher levels of vibration”

– Godddess Sarai <3


In this post, we aren’t talking about how objects of mass create curvacious dips in space-time allowing our galaxy to experience gravity. Einstein is cool and all, but we’re still focusing on the universal laws. I like to refer to these laws as ‘natural laws’ because humans do not know for sure if these laws are in order on other planets. 

No one knows for sure where these laws originated from or who specifically ordained them. Different people believe different things about the order instituted in the world. One thing is for certain, the Law of Relativity can be seen throughout our world. Have you ever known someone who seems to repeat the same mistakes in their dating life? That’s the Law of Relativity at its finest. 

What is the law of relativity?

We can decide how we respond to a situation. Our thoughts become feelings, and our feelings cause us to take certain actions. The Law of Relativity put plainly,  entails that different people can experience the same situation and experience completely different thoughts, feelings, and actions within that situation. Each person is placed in situations to teach them something about themselves. The wise individual’s peep game and behave accordingly. 

How to use the law of relativity?

In the game of life, we’re always leveling up. Some situations, we will ‘lose.’  In this case, you will have to go back to the checkpoint and try again. Thankfully, we always have our memories of what we did correctly and incorrectly in previous situations. The goal is to learn from our mistakes and proceed forward with wisdom.

One way to leverage the Law of Relativity is to be mindful of the situations that you’re in. Realize that you have the power and the ability to respond in any way you want. If you’re in a situation that becomes heated, you have the power and the ability to remain calm and defuse the situation. You also can pop off. Either way, Either way. Your choice. 

This law is a teacher

The BEST way to leverage the Law of Relativity is to look at ALL situations in your life as an opportunity to grow and reflect. Situations can be an opportunity to show when you need to improve on patience, being on time, being practical, less emotional, or [insert anything else that is applicable here.] You can recognize the situation as an opportunity to BE the type of person who is patient, punctual, practical, etc. You can use situations as an opportunity to reflect by being present in the situation.

Evaluate how you feel. Is one of your co-workers being super annoying again? Do you feel your blood boiling as it did in previous situations, or are you now more calm and unbothered by their foolishness? Take the time to reflect on how the situation previously made you feel, and how you would have previously responded. Congratulate yourself on your growth. It’s also imperative to realize the areas you still need improvement. You don’t want to go around the same mountain over and over and over.

Photo showcasing a man going in circles repeating the same cycles in life. This is used to highlight the law of relativity.
Do not walk around looking confused! Pay attention to the cycles in life that you’re repeating. Learn and grow from them!

My perspective may be a bit different

I’ve heard it said that when we are in the midst of trials we should be mindful that there is always someone who has it worse. I like to think a little differently. Instead of being happy that I’m not the one in the less fortunate situation, I’m grateful to have the situation to learn from. 

Go against the grain!
As I write this, I’m reminded of a very popular song that popped up on ‘My Mix’ on YouTube. The song lyrics are, ‘It could’ve been me (thank you) outdoors. (thank you) With no food. (thank you) and no clothes. (thank you) Or left alone. (thank you) Without a friend. (thank you) Or just another number. (thank you) With a tragic end. (thank you) But you didn’t see fit to let none of these things be. Thank you Lord for all you’ve done for me.’

I’ve always liked that song. Yet when it was playing in the background, I had a new revelation about the words and said to myself, ‘Dang, that’s kind of messed up.’ Why should I make myself feel better by saying, “At least I’m not like this person” or “That person would be happy to have a problem like mine.” It reminds me of the story of the Pharisee and the tax collector mentioned in Luke 18: 9-14. 

Quick note: I’ve created a free manifestation journal that includes bible verses to help those of you who have been wondering if manifestation is biblical. It includes writing prompts for you to talk to source about how to become a co-create of your reality.

“Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector.  The Pharisee stood by himself and prayed: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other people—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector.  I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.’

Luke 18: 9-14

When I say I am thankful for my trials, I mean when my legs are sore from working out. I say to myself, “I’m thankful to have full mobility of my body. I’m thankful that my body is healthy. Thankful that I have the freedom to actively obtain my fitness goals. I’m thankful that I have a safe environment to exercise my body.” 

When money got low, and I was getting down on household items, I said to myself, “Thank you for blessing me with the ability to have XYZ. Thank you that I have everything I need. It may be low at this moment, but I know that it will be replenished soon.” 

When my family members are WERKING muh nerves! I say to myself, ‘I’m so thankful to have a family who loves and supports me. I’m so thankful that my family members are alive and well. I’m so thankful for the opportunity to learn how to respond to them.”

But that’s just my perspective. What’s important is that you have a perspective of your situations and learn from the situations you find yourself in.


I encourage you to use the Law of Relativity to your advantage. Mindset is everything. It’s helpful when you remember that we are living a human experience for our enjoyment. This world was created specifically for you. So ask yourself, “What is this situation trying to teach me?” “Am I handling this situation better than I previously would have?” “What could I have done differently/ what could I do differently in a similar situation in the future?”

Hopefully, this post has helped you gain a better understanding of the Law of Relativity. If you enjoyed this post, check out this post that goes into detail about the universal laws and how they’re connected. Remember, All things are possible, they are! The best is yet to come and the odds are always in your favor. Take care!

Aiyaken Sarai 💚👑

This blog post was written without the assistance of AI