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The Law of Gender: Masculine and Feminine Energy.

This photo depicts a beautiful black woman and a handsome black man staring into each other's eyes. It's used as a visual to showcase the law of gender in a blog post written by aiyaken sarai from ModestPlantBased.com

The law of gender is a universal law that states that everything has masculine and feminine qualities and that everything has a period of development.


No one knows for sure where these laws originated from or who specifically ordained them. Different people believe different things about the order instituted in the world. One thing is for certain, the Law of Gender can be seen throughout our world. Opposites attract and opposites complement one another. Masculine and feminine energy has different functions but they work together to accomplish a goal. An egg cannot be fertilized without sperm.

Let’s not confuse masculine energy and female energy with human males and human females or with human women and human men. Yes, it is true that typically, human men are the individuals who are seen as the ones who work (put in the physical effort to achieve a purpose or result) and human women are the ones who cherish. (have hope, belief, and ambition) 

Feminine energy and masculine energy are within all humans. The goal of every human is to recognize which energy they’re operating in and when to switch between the two.

How the law of gender works

A person is using their feminine energy when they are thinking of different ideas and setting goals. A person is using their masculine energy when they are actively working towards achieving those goals. The feminine energy says, “I would like for XYZ to happen.” The masculine energy says, “I’m going to do 123 to make XYZ happen.”

The Feminine energy knows how to season words with grace. The feminine energy knows that it isn’t WHAT you say, but HOW you say it. The masculine energy is the protective and defensive speech. 

Some people are too consumed in their masculine energy. You can see this in hustle culture. People work, work, work, and lack sleep and proper nurturement of their body. They are too consumed in their masculine energy when they don’t know how to let go and receive. People are too consumed in their feminine energy when they are always daydreaming. A person can have amazing ideas in their mind but can’t tap into the masculine energy which allows them to take the needed steps to bring their ideas to life. 

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What is masculine and feminine energy?

No, masculine energy doesn’t have anything to do with buff arms, fishing, or football. Feminine energy doesn’t have anything to do with baking yummy desserts, wearing flowy pink dresses, or wearing makeup. A woman can be more masculine than a man because she exhibits masculine behaviors and gives off more masculine energy. The same is true for men. A man can be more feminine than a woman because he exhibits feminine behaviors and gives off more feminine energy. Every dynamic has an exchange of energy. The two energies should complement one another. There’s such a thing as toxic masculinity and toxic femininity and we will touch on this later.

Feminine energy

Feminine energy helps us be creative. It helps us listen to our intuition. It’s kind and compassionate. It’s patient. Feminine energy helps us know when to speak and when to be silent. It helps us deliver the words we speak directly, eloquently, and respectfully. Feminine energy helps us work in harmony with other people. It allows us to nurture ideas, ourselves, and others. Feminine energy helps us forgive and resolve conflict. It helps us to reflect. It helps us to receive and be open. The feminine energy is playful, restful, and vulnerable. Feminine energy knows when to surrender and how to be submissive. Feminine energy leads by example and encourages the masculine to be a better leader.

Masculine energy

Is what helps us achieve things. Masculine energy is what gets things done. Masculine energy is assertive and strong. It’s decisive and logical. It’s very matter-of-fact. This energy is focused, clear, and confident. It wants to provide. Masculine energy is competitive. Masculine energy enjoys taking risks and being dominant. It’s active, it’s hard, and doesn’t allow emotions to control actions. It shows integrity and discipline. It’s that phoenix, it’s that wrath, it’s that fury!

It’s a balancing act

You’re using too much masculine energy if you’re aggressive, controlling, and always needing to assert your dominance by being territorial. You’re using too much feminine energy if you find yourself being insecure about yourself, dependent on others, or find it difficult to be your authentic self. This is where toxicity comes into play. We see this in the patriarchy. The patriarchy is toxic masculinity. It says that women are inferior to men and need to be under the leadership of men.

This is often reinforced in culture and religion. Even with patriarchy in full effect, people can see how the masculine is subject to the feminine. When I say this, I simply mean that men have a weakness, that weakness is the feminine woman. This is seen throughout history and even in religion. There’s also toxic femininity. Women who know the power of men and use it to destroy the man or to control the man.

How to use the law of gender

Being in harmony with both masculine and feminine energy will allow you to be successful in all areas of your life. May you now see that there are different situations to utilize your feminine and masculine energy. For example, in your fitness journey, you can use your feminine energy to set a goal and visualize the results you want to achieve. You can use your masculine energy to be disciplined and make it a priority to exercise. Use your feminine energy to realize that you’ve been going hard for eight days straight and your body needs a day of rest. You can use your feminine energy to show yourself kindness if you eat something that you know isn’t the most beneficial for you to achieve your fitness goal. 

In your personal life, your masculine energy can see that you need a higher income to afford the life that you want to live. Your feminine energy can kick into gear and come up with ideas for different career or business mediums to explore. The masculine energy inside of you will kick into gear and determine the steps you need to take and your masculine energy will begin taking action to achieve this goal. Your feminine energy will kick in once again to motivate you along the way and congratulate you upon completion. 

Here’s another example,

You can be at work and have a co-worker come at you sideways. Your feminine energy allows you to stay calm and unbothered. For example, your manager could assign a time-sensitive project on a Friday afternoon and ask if you can complete it by Monday morning.  Your masculine energy can help you be assertive and tell your manager that you do not take work home with you and will not be able to complete the task. Your feminine energy could add that you would be happy to tackle a time-sensitive project with prior notice.

You could be in a meeting and a co-worker makes a joke at your expense that you don’t find funny. Your masculine energy can kick in to defend your honor, and your feminine energy can help you express yourself in a classy and respectful way that still checks your co-worker and lets others on your team know you aren’t the one. 


Each person has both masculine and feminine energy within them. People can toggle back and forth between energies at any given moment to accomplish specific tasks. Each person has a dominant energy that they operate from, whether it be the feminine or the masculine. All humans have this ability. Some biological females are predominantly more masculine than their other counterparts. Some biological males are predominately more feminine than their masculine counterparts.

Notice that I didn’t mention physical attributes. This is because it is a culture that can determine what women and men should and shouldn’t be like. A beautiful woman dressed in a face full of makeup, with long beautiful hair, an amazing figure, and a gorgeous dress can still radiate masculine energy. Have you ever wondered how the girls who are always wearing basketball shorts, jordans, and other clothes attributed to men still end up pregnant and wifeed by men? It’s because, underneath the men’s clothing, they’re radiating feminine energy.

Ask yourself these questions

What energy do I operate in the most? In what areas of my life could I use both masculine and feminine energy to live a better quality of life? What would be the benefits of knowing when and how to use my masculine and feminine energy?

I hope you enjoyed this post and have a better understanding of what the law of gender is and what it isn’t. If you liked this post, you may be interested in learning about the other universal laws. All of the laws work in harmony with each other, people seem to forget that there’s more to the law of attraction. You can learn more about the universal laws in this blog post. Remember, all things are possible, they are! The best is yet to come and the odds are always in your favor! Take care!

Aiyaken Sarai đź’šđź‘‘

This blog post was written without the assistance of AI