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Law of Vibration: How to go beast mode using the law of attraction

Everything is constantly in motion. These motions are referred to as vibrations. Frequency is the term used to describe how fast or how slow something is moving. Let’s explore the law of vibration and how it amplifies your manifestations.

โ€œGood vibes only” is a good rule of thumb to live by. What we think becomes our feelings. Our thoughts and feelings determine the state of vibration we are in. The state of vibration we are in determines the results we see in our lives.โ€

-Aiyaken Sarai <3

What is the law of vibration?

Nothing is still. Everything is always moving. Even things that appear not to be moving are in a constant state of motion. Our sense of sight isnโ€™t able to perceive the low frequency. To our eyes, it seems as though theyโ€™re still. The Law of Vibration is what people refer to when they say, โ€œgood vibes.โ€ The more in tune a person is with their thoughts and their emotions, the better results theyโ€™ll see in the physical world. The vibration of your body determines the situations you are in and the results you see in your life. It also dictates your reactions as well.

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How the law of vibration works

Everything is energy, our thoughts included. The frequency of your thoughts depends on the quality. Negative thoughts vibrate at a lower frequency. Positive thoughts vibrate at a higher frequency. The thoughts we think dictate the feelings we feel. Which together controls the state of vibration our body is in. Our thoughts can penetrate time, space, and matter- thatโ€™s how powerful they are!

When we think, we use brain cells. When you have a thought, you repeat that thought to yourself while that one brain cell splits into two. Those two split into four. Those four split into eight. Those eight split into sixteen. Sixteen splits into thirty-two and on and on and on to a rate of 50 thousand cells per second! Those cells are released into the ether and align with the things that will support that idea. 

Our body vibrates. It glows. Our bodies have an aura. I find it interesting that our bodies can emit cells! This is what people refer to when they speak of being able to see a person’s aura. When cells leave your body it creates an aura of light around your body. As cells leave your body, new ones are created. Energy has been photographed leaving the body. The density and the color of it have been photographed.

As the thoughts in your mind change, the vibration of the body changes. The density of your energy changes, and the color of your energy changes. You can feel the energy coming from a person. Youโ€™re able to determine the mood a person is in very quickly. You can read whatโ€™s going on within them. Have you ever been around someone who seems to always have a dark cloud over their head? Their presence alone can affect the overall mood of the room.

How to use the law of vibration

You can leverage the Law of Vibration by keeping in mind that your thoughts and feelings shape your subconscious mind. Your body is an extension of your mind. Meaning your subconscious beliefs are embedded in the cells being emitted through the ether. Remember, your body emits roughly fifty thousand cells per second. Leverage the Law of Vibration by thinking positive, loving, and successful thoughts. This will cause you to feel positive, loving, and successful. The cells you emit will travel through the ether and will physically align you with things that are positive, loving, and successful. Your thoughts, feelings, and speech are of utmost importance in your life.

You can use the Law of Vibration to monitor your emotional well-being. When youโ€™re consistently checking in with yourself, you become more in tune with who you are, what you like, and what you donโ€™t like. You begin to notice how people, things, or certain situations make you feel. When you leverage the Law of Vibration you understand that youโ€™re in control of your thoughts and feelings. You understand that unfavorable situations donโ€™t have to dictate how you feel. You understand that there is power in processing your emotions, and you do not suppress them.


Iโ€™m sure you hear people saying, โ€˜Vibrate higher to manifest your dream life.โ€ Theyโ€™re correct. You do need to vibrate at a higher frequency. Now you know exactly HOW to vibrate higher! If you enjoyed this post, I know youโ€™ll enjoy this article that goes into detail about how the 12 universal laws work in harmony with one another. The law of vibration is part of a powerful formula that will transform your life. That formula is (the law of attraction plus the law of vibration) multiplied by the law of action. The best way to go beast mode in your life is to leverage the law of attraction properly. You leverage the law of attraction properly by understanding the aforementioned formula. As well as understanding the universal laws in their entirety. You’ve got this!

Thank you for reading this blog post. I hope you enjoyed it! Remember, all things are possible, they are! The best is yet to come, and the odds are always in your favor.

Aiyaken Sarai ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ‘‘

This blog post was written without the assistance of AI