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Law of Divine Oneness: One with Nature.

This photo showcases a beautiful black woman adorned with a crown of roses smelling a daisy in a field of flowers. There are bees buzzing around her and a bunny rabbit smiling at her.

The Law of Divine Oneness states that everything is connected with the center of our connection being the Source of all consciousness.

“Trees help us breathe in oxygen from the air. When we exhale, we release carbon dioxide, which the trees use for energy. We eat food that grows from the ground. When we die, our bodies nurture the soil. Everything is connected”

-Goddess Sarai <3


What is the law of divine oneness? The Law of Divine Oneness is one of the twelve universal laws. I like to refer to these laws as natural laws because humans cannot say for sure that these laws are in effect outside of Earth. No one knows for sure how these laws were ordained. One thing is for sure, we can see the Law of Divine Oneness in action when we see how the actions of one person can affect the entire human population and the planet as a whole. (ahem, Hitler)

What is the meaning of the law of divine oneness?

The Law of Divine Oneness states that all humans, creatures, and nature are connected to one central source, the Source of all creation, consciousness, intelligence, and awareness. We can see how connected we are in the circle of life. The food we eat comes from a ground that we return nurturement to when we expel our waste and when our bodies decay. 

The world was designed in such a way that everything works perfectly in harmony with each other. There are scavenger animals that feed off of the dead plants and dead animals, which helps keep the Earth clean. The plants help keep the air clean for humans and animals to live. Humans and animals emit a gas that helps the plants live. The sun and the moon give us light and warmth, helping the Earth be habitable for plants and living creatures. Even the sea has its own ecosystem to keep itself operating efficiently. We see how the actions of one human can affect the entire collective consciousness. We see how the thoughts of the collective consciousness can affect the Earth. 

Divine oneness quotes
(Photo from Jamie at Simple Living Mommy)

What is the law of divine oneness in the bible?

I grew up in a religious household. I was told that ‘God’ knows everything and everyone. The Bible teaches before a word is formed on our tongue ‘God’ knows our thoughts. It also teaches that ‘God’ knows our hearts. Meaning that ‘God’ knows the way we truly feel, even if our outward appearance is showcasing something else. The reason that ‘God’ can know our thoughts, and be everywhere at all times is because ‘God’ is the Source of Consciousness.

Jesus prayed and asked that we would be one, the same way They are. Religion aside, it is imperative for individuals to understand their direct connection with the source and nature.

I find it very interesting that love vibrates at the highest frequency and we are told that ‘God’ is love. We’re told that the word of ‘God’ can pierce through the hearts and souls of men.

Quick note: I've created a free manifestation journal that includes bible verses to help those of you who have been wondering if manifestation is biblical. It includes writing prompts for you to talk to source about how to become a co-create of your reality.

Yes, the universal laws are biblical

How to leverage the Law of Divine Oneness in your life? Realize that everything you do to or for someone else you’re essentially doing to and for yourself. One could say that the things we do to and for another we are doing to and for ‘God.’

Truly I say unto you, whatsoever you did for the least of my brothers and sisters, you have done unto me.

Matthew 25:30

How do you practice the law of divine oneness?

There is a reason that we feel a sense of joy when we help people who are in need. It’s because by doing something nice for someone else, we’re doing something nice for ourselves. You’ve heard it said time and time again, that it is better to give than to receive. This is true on so many different levels. When we give, we are receiving. 

Think of ways that you can be a blessing to someone else. Not about things that are going wrong. It’ll bless you immensely! Spend your time visiting people who are sick and unable to leave their homes. When you’re lonely, visit people in nursing homes. Surprise people with a warm meal. Volunteer to clean their house for them, or even just sit and have a conversation with them. You’re brightening up someone else’s day and easing that feeling of loneliness that you felt yourself. 

Law of divine oneness examples

Leverage the Law of Divine Oneness by realizing your thoughts, feelings, and actions affect the entire collective consciousness. As well as nature around you. Admittedly we are all a bit cynical. With that being said, we can use the Law of Divine Oneness to change the outcomes of our situations. Positive thoughts and feelings towards a situation help us remain positive and change a negative to a positive.

Let’s say you’re having a bit of a tiff in your relationship. Do you find your partner annoying because they forget to take their shoes off at the door? Focus on how much you love your partner. Focus on how well the two of you communicate with each other and make compromises for each other. If you’re considering separating from your partner, intentionally say this to yourself. ‘I love my partner, we have a wonderful marriage.’ Repeat this multiple times a day, every day. 

How I’ve used the law of divine oneness in my life

I’ve been able to use the Law of Divine Oneness to be set free from religion. As I stated earlier, I grew up in a religious household—a Christian household to be exact. I still hold some principles close to my heart. At first, I was afraid to tell anyone that I could connect to the source without religion. Now, I feel confident that the ‘holy spirit’ has confirmed that my beliefs are correct. Jesus said a person can blaspheme against Him and be saved. But a person cannot blaspheme against the holy spirit and be saved. If you’re interested in reading that scripture, it is found in Matthew 12:31-34.

Divine oneness helps you see the beauty in the world

I also use the Law of Divine Oneness to help me be more mindful of the people around me. I’ll be the first to admit that I can be a little self-absorbed. Not to be confused with being a selfish person. I love everything that has to do with ME! I know that we’re all connected. This helps me remember that I also love everything to do with nature and other people around me. I see more beauty in the world. The colors of the world seem brighter to me.

Nature takes on a different meaning and is more beautiful and vibrant to me. I’m more compassionate towards people because I realize- we’re all the same. I process my emotions. I’m intentional about thinking in a way that makes me feel good. I know my feelings can influence the people around me. Understanding that my thoughts can even influence people miles away from me. I have faith that humans can accomplish so much. We could see so much change if we got together and set our intentions on a similar goal. 


May you have a better understanding of the Law of Divine Oneness. My intentions are for you to be able to see the world through a different lens. I want you to look at yourself and the world the way our Creator sees us. We are here having this human experience for a reason. I believe we all have a similar objective and that we all have individual objectives as well. If you found this blog post interesting, be sure to check out this article. It goes into detail about all of the universal laws and how they work in harmony with each other. Remember, all things are possible, they are! The best is yet to come, and the odds are always in your favor. Take care!

Aiyaken Sarai 💚👑

This blog post was written without the assistance of AI