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Law of Correspondence: Reality reflects your mind

The law of correspondence states that the state of a person’s interior world is reflected by their external world.

“Jesus mentions the Law of Correspondence when He says, ‘on Earth as it is in Heaven.’ The Bible mentions the universal laws in several passages.”

– Goddess Sarai

What is the law of correspondence?

The law of correspondence is said to be one of twelve universal laws. No one knows for sure where these universal laws came from or how they were ordained. I like to refer to these laws as ‘natural laws’ because we humans can not confirm that these laws are in existence outside of Earth. One thing is for sure, the Law of Correspondence is in effect. We can see this law in action when we come across Negative Nancy, the person who always has a negative storm blazing in their life.

The Law of Correspondence states that the outer surroundings are in sync with the inner state of mind. Our surroundings will tell us what is going on inside of us. We’re also able to see what’s going on inside someone else’s mind based on what’s going on in their lives. To truly understand the Law of Correspondence, you need to have an understanding of the physical realm, the spiritual realm, and the realm of your mind.

I like to refer to my mind as ‘my inner world.’ If a person is negative, it’s safe to say that they’re seeing a lot of negative situations in their life. They typically always have something to complain about. If a person is always looking for positive experiences, it’s safe to say that they are experiencing many pleasurable experiences in their life. Even if a person does not know how this law operates, they’re still influenced by it.

Inner World

When your inner world is in sync with the physical world and the spiritual world you’ll be able to accomplish so much in life and truly leverage the Law of Correspondence. One can master their inner world by being mindful of the thoughts, feelings, and actions they’re taking. They know that they have 100% control over the thoughts they focus on. They understand the thoughts they accept and focus on are entering their subconscious mind. The person who has mastered their inner world knows that their subconscious mind controls pretty much everything they see/ receive in the physical world.

Physical World

A person has an understanding of their physical world when they understand that they are not their body. They know that their body is an extension of their mind. They understand that their body is the physical representation of themselves. A person with an understanding of the physical world knows that their inner world can shape, control, and influence their outer world. They understand that there is such a thing as collective consciousness. Which is the interaction between themselves, the other individuals taking part in the human experience, and the Source of all consciousness.

Spiritual World

The person who has an understanding of the spiritual realm knows that they are a spiritual being, dwelling in a physical body. They understand that they are a spirit, that has a body, and an intellect. They understand that this is the basis of them being a triune being. This person has an understanding that the spiritual realm is just as real as our inner world, and the physical realm. They understand that everything is formed in the spiritual realm before it enters the physical realm. They understand that the spiritual realm is where the magic takes place. Understand that your body emits hundreds of thousands of cells into the spiritual realm daily. The cells that are emitted from your aura attract things into your physical realm that are in alignment with the thoughts and feelings you’re sending out. 

How to use the Law of Correspondence

To leverage the Law of Correspondence, understand that the change you want to see in your outer world begins with changing your inner world. Even if you want to change the collective consciousness, you need to first change yourself.

Instead of looking at the speck in someone else’s eye, take the speck out of your eye. 

Matthew 7:3-5
I know many of you are interested in manifesting. I've created a free manifestation journal for those of you who have a Christian paradigm. In this journal, you can explore how manifesting is 100% biblical. You can grab that free journal here! 

Realize that your results, the situations, and the scenarios in your life are all a reflection of your inner world. Use the Law of Correspondence as a mirror. We aren’t able to see our faces with our own eyes, we hold a mirror to our physical bodies so we can see our reflection. Just the same, we cannot see our inner world, but we can see our physical world. Use the Law of correspondence as a mirror and allow your physical world to show you what is going on in your inner world. Unfortunately, some people do not recognize the thoughts and feelings they have or the actions they’re taking.

Here’s an example

Let’s use an example of a person whose apartment has dirty clothes and clean clothes on the floor. They have dirty dishes in the sink and overflowing trash. They’re constantly missing appointments and being late for appointments. They also keep forgetting other important things. 

Through the looking glass of the Law of Correspondence, one may conclude that their inner world is disorganized. They’re thinking thoughts that are inconsistent with their goals. They’re confused about their goals, and they aren’t sure if the goals they’ve set for themselves are what they want to achieve. After realizing this to be the case, they can then begin taking the steps they need to change their inner world. Soon they’ll begin to see changes in their outer world. Simply cleaning their apartment and setting alarms on their phone will not resolve the issue. The change must take place in the inner world first. It will travel through the spiritual realm, and manifest into the physical realm.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • How are the thoughts I’m thinking mirrored in my reality?
  • How are my feelings mirrored in my reality?
  • How are the actions that I take mirrored in my reality?
  • How are my beliefs mirrored in my reality?


The Law of Correspondence may remind you of the Law of Attraction. This is because all of the laws work in harmony with each other. The Law of Correspondence is the ‘What.’ While the Law of Attraction is the ‘When.’ Then there is The Law of Vibration which is the ‘How.’ Allow me to explain. We know WHAT we need to do. It’s our job to control our inner world to see the results we want to see in our outer world. We use the Law of Attraction WHEN we are thinking, feeling, and taking action. The Law of Vibration is HOW our body can omit hundreds of thousands of cells into the spiritual realm. The spiritual realm is where all of the magic happens. Think of it as a storehouse filled with infinite possibilities.  

May you now have a better understanding of the Law of Correspondence. If this post resonated with you, be sure to read this post, which goes into how all of the universal laws work in harmony with each other Remember, all things are possible, they are! The best is yet to come, and the odds are always in your favor! Take care!

Aiyaken Sarai 💚👑

This blog post was written without the assistance of AI