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Law of compensation: Behold I come quickly and my reward is with me.

The Law of Compensation states that your ‘reward’ is received based on the level of valuable service you provide.

“The law of compensation impacts every area of your life, not just your financial wellbeing“

– Goddess Sarai <3

What is the law of compensation?

You’ve heard it said before, and I’ll say it again. “You reap what you sow.” When it comes to the Law of Compensation, just because you’re sowing, doesn’t mean you’ll reap a bountiful harvest. Your attitude, which consists of your thoughts, feelings, and actions, largely dictates what and how much you will reap. Just because a person works hard all day every day, doesn’t mean that their compensation will be large.

Many people are working long hard hours and receiving a tenth of what another person is earning. It’s because of their way of thinking. The person working long and hard has the attitude that they work to have enough money to pay their bills. Therefore, that’s the truth in their reality. While another person believes that they can work very few hours a day. They believe that’s pays them enough money to pay their bills. As well as enough to be able to afford to do the things they enjoy doing outside of work. Therefore that’s the truth of their reality.

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How does the law of compensation work?

Let’s use a fitness journey as an example. A person may not have the best diet. But if they’re committed to working out 5x-6x a week consistently for a year. Throughout that year they’re going to reach if not surpass their fitness goals. Think of it as compound interest. Even if they’re not eating clean most of the time. Even if they’re not going hard in the gym all of the time, they’ll reach their fitness goals. They’ll reach their goals because they’re committed to taking action to achieve their fitness goal. Of course, their attitude and the cleaner they eat will magnify the results they see that year. 

The law of compensation works because you do. If a person didn’t work out often, yet was committed to eating clean consistently, they would still see the results. This is because they’re committed to putting in the effort to reach their fitness goals. I KID YOU NOT,  A person could eat clean. They could be relaxed in their workout routine. If they consistently tell themselves “I’m going to reach my fitness goals this year.” They would STILL reach their fitness goal because they were committed to reshaping their self-image. The image you hold in your subconscious is what is most important.

Enjoy the process

It’s beneficial for you to keep your eye on the prize! Of course, the person on their fitness journey should envision themselves as strong and healthy. They should enjoy seeing themselves lifting five pounds, then three reps of 15 pounds with ease. Enjoying going from running for one full minute to being able to run for five full minutes. They should recall when they only enjoyed eating apples and bananas, to now having a diverse pallet.

It’s okay to realize that you aren’t where you want to be yet. Congratulate yourself that you aren’t where you once were. Strive to be 1% better than you were yesterday. Always do the best you can, no matter what.

Be Valuable

A person who is on a fitness journey is increasing their value in the world. They’re doing their part in keeping their body healthy. This can reduce the stress of physicians who have to find underlying problems for the symptoms people are having. They’re helping to keep local farmers in business by buying fresh produce locally. The number of pharmaceuticals on the market is reducing. They’re able to build positive memories with their children by being able to run around outside and play with them.

Additional ways to add value

There are three additional ways that you can increase your value. Be knowledgeable, be motivating, and help people.

Be Knowledgeable

When you’re in a state of continuous education, you’re ensuring your brain will stay youthful. You’re also able to have intelligent conversations with others. You’re able to provide valuable information to other people the moment they need it. Being knowledgeable will significantly increase your chances of earning income. Because people will see you as an authority figure on the topics that you’re knowledgeable about. You will be compensated for the information you share with them. The services you provide to them, and the products you recommend to them can change their lives.

Be Motivating

When you look at people in the world who are earning millions of dollars, many of them are motivational speakers. People are always going to need a pick me up, people are always going to need to be inspired. This doesn’t even need to be a career for you. Look at the people in your life that you have relationships with, they need your inspiration and motivation.

Ladies, your men need you to big them up. Tell them they look good, remind them that they’re the leader, and cheer them on as they’re doing their thing! Fellas, your ladies need your words of affirmation, they need to believe that you believe in what they’re doing too! Even in non-romantic relationships. Fellas, ladies, zellix, your friends need someone cheering them on, rooting for them, and encouraging them along the way. Genuine motivation and kindness make you extremely valuable in all areas of life: career and personal. 

Help People

In what way are you helping people? How does your company, or your life in general help other people? Are you helping them be a better person? Is your presence helping them have a better quality of life? Do you inspire them to accomplish the goals that they’ve set for themselves? Are you helping them learn something? What are you helping them be able to do? We are on this Earth for more than just ourselves, you know?

Ask yourself

Think about something that you would like to attract into your life. What would you like to attract more of? Ask yourself, what value would I be able to provide if I had this? (or what value would I be able to provide if I had more of this?)

If you would like to attract more money, think of the value you add to the world by having more money. When you have more money, you’re able to provide services on a grander scale. You could therefore be mindful of being able to help the homeless community. You could start a non-profit to help ensure infants have plentiful access to baby formula. Or something else you can spend your money on other than selfish intentions. I’m not saying that spending money on yourself is selfish. Fantasizing about what you’ll do for yourself with your billions of dollars is selfish thinking. 

If you want to attract love into your life, focus on the value you bring to a relationship. Focus on the qualities you have that would complement the qualities that your spouse has. What trauma or hurt that you need to heal from? Heal so you can go into your relationship as a healthy contributor. You’ve mastered the Law of Compensation once you’re thinking about why you deserve to receive what you’re manifesting. When you know how it would add value to the lives of other people in addition to yours.

How to use the law of compensation

Remember that everything you do in life will result in you getting something out of life. The more you put in the more you will get out. Consistently show people genuine kindness, the more people will show you kindness. The more think of the glass being half full, the more circumstances will work out in your favor. The more you give, the more you will receive. Again, I want to highlight that WORKING LONG AND HARD DOES NOT MEAN YOU’LL MAKE MORE MONEY! When you are working your best, and have the thought that you’ll earn the money you need to live the life you desire- YOU WILL EARN MORE MONEY.

The BEST way to use the Law of Compensation is in harmony with the other natural laws. This will allow you to live your best life more holistically. If you’re interested in learning more about natural laws be sure to read this article. This post goes into more detail about each one. I’m convinced that once you learn what each of these laws are you’ll be able to manifest anything you desire! May you now have a better understanding of what the Law of Compensation is. May you leverage it in your life. Remember, all things are possible, they are! The best is yet to come, and the odds are always in your favor. Take Care!

Aiyaken Sarai 💚👑

This blog post was written without the assistance of AI