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Law of Attraction. The Secret Power of Manifestation.

The law of attraction is one of twelve universal laws that state you receive that which you focus on the most. We all have had moments where we’ve said to ourselves or someone else, ‘I knew it!” or “We were just talking about that!” Often we call it a coincidence. What it is, is a manifestation of our previous thoughts.

“Think about the things you desire to happen & they will happen” -AIYAKEN

What is the law of attraction?

The Law of Attraction is one of twelve universal laws. I like to refer to these laws as natural laws because we humans do not know for sure if these laws are in effect outside of Earth. No one knows for sure who made these laws or how they were ordained. One thing is for sure, we can see the Law of Attraction in effect when we set our sights on accomplishing a goal, and see that goal achieved. We keep our eyes on the prize, and take action towards achieving it!

For the Law of Attraction to work, you need to work! The Law of Attraction doesn’t magically manifest what you desire. We are co-creating our lives with the Creator, which we are an extension of. We’re working in harmony with the Creator. We ask, know, and receive. Everything we ask for may not be beneficial for us. The source will let us know and we will not have to waste time trying to convince ourselves otherwise.

To ‘know’ is to have confidence in our hearts and expect a certain thing to happen or be received. The thoughts we are thinking, the feelings we are feeling, and the actions we are taking are harmonious with receiving.

Whatsoever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours.

Mark 11:24

How the law of attraction works

Stay with me here, we’re going to go on a little ride. Everything is energy. Everything is constantly in a state of motion. Including our thoughts and feelings. When we entertain an idea or a thought, it seeps deep into our subconscious. Your body is the physical representation of your mind. No one has ever seen the mind. The mind is not the brain. Our thoughts and feelings are embedded into every cell in our body. The words we speak are embedded into our cells as well. Our cells split at rapid rates- around 50,000 per second! These cells leave the body and travel through the ether. While they travel, they take the thoughts and feelings of your subconscious mind and attract harmonious things to you. 

It’s always fun to see how the Creator aligns things on my behalf. I can think of when I wanted my Project Manager role. My intentions were set for a date for getting hired and I saw a lot of PM roles pop up in a Slack channel I was in. I was presented with an opportunity before the date! The same thing happened to me when I was looking for a PMM role. I REALLY wanted it. It was like the Creator was telling me, ‘Nah, you don’t need that.’ & I was all, ‘but Fatherrrrrrrrrrrr!’ I kid you not, the Creator was literally like, ‘Come, let’s reason together.’ I was presented with the opportunity to work closely with a product launch. Which I like to think of as a Jr PMM role.

A personal note

I am someone who has a Christian paradigm. While I no longer practice any religion I can still see both sides of the coin. Some people may hold a view of those opportunities coming to me because I was using the Law of Attraction by believing I would receive, thinking I would receive, and taking the actions to receive. They may also hold a view that the Law of Vibration brought the opportunities into my life. Both could be true depending on the point of view a person holds.

Is manifestation biblical?
I know many of you are interested in manifesting. I've created a free manifestation journal for those of you who have a Christian paradigm. In this journal, you can explore how manifesting is 100% biblical. You can grab that free journal here! 

If you abide in me and my word abide in you, you can ask anything and I will give it to you.”

John 15:7

One abides in the consciousness of Christ when one abides in faith love and hope. These things are a mindset. Christ consciousness is a state of being. One does not need to be a religious person to have the consciousness of Christ. When our thoughts are filled with love and joy: peace and wonderfulness, we are abiding in the consciousness of Christ.

When you pray, believe that you have received what you asked for.

Mark 11:24

When we KNOW that we are an extension of the source we walk this life boldly. Knowing that the requests that we put into the ether will come back to us fulfilled.

If you have faith the size of a MUSTARD SEED, you can say to this mountain ‘be moved from here to there.’ and it will be done for you if you don’t doubt.

Matthew 17:20-21

Faith isn’t the same as hope. It is evidence of what we have hoped for. Faith is the physical evidence of having seen thoughts manifested in reality. When someone has even the smallest evidence of previous manifestations being fulfilled, it strengthens that person’s knowing that the next manifestation can be fulfilled.

You must do your part as well,

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

Matthew 7:7-8

The law of attraction doesn’t work unless you do. You have to take action. To take action, think thoughts that are in harmony with the desired outcome. Make choices that are in harmony with the desired outcome.

How to use the law of attraction

Remember that we have been designed amazingly well. Our bodies are so cool! We are more than flesh and blood. We are made in the image of the Creator. That means that we too are creators. We can co-create our lives with the Creator. We ARE an extension of the Creator. The thoughts that we think, dictate our feelings, and our feelings are embedded into our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind controls pretty much all of our habitual behaviors. The majority of our behaviors are habitual by the way, did you know that? Below are five steps to go beast mode with the law of attraction.

1. Meditate

My form of meditation may vary from others. I’m not down for emptying my mind and ‘not thinking.’ I believe that meditating is intentional thinking. One of the most annoying things is when I hear someone say, ‘You can’t control your thoughts.’ If a person isn’t able to control their thoughts they aren’t being present. If a person is fully present they’re able to control their thoughts.

The only way a person isn’t able to control their thoughts is if they’re on autopilot. Their mind is off traveling somewhere else, instead of focusing on that exact moment in time. The scripture, ‘as a man thinketh in his heart, so he is’ is so true. That is why we are encouraged to think about things that are pure, lovely, excellent, and worthy of praise. The things that you’re thinking about are the things that manifest in your life.

People meditate on scripture because of the advice that helps them navigate their everyday lives. Meditate on your goals and your hopes. Focus on your dreams and your ambitions. Meditate on the things you’re grateful for. Meditate as often as you can throughout the day. This blog post goes into detail about how I’ve incorporated solfeggio frequencies into my meditation. It’s worked wonders. Check it out, and let me know what you think.

2. Expect great things.

I’ll be 100% honest with you and tell you that you’re wasting your time if you aren’t expecting to receive great things. Specifically, the things that you desire. You do yourself great displeasure when you have a desire for something to happen and expect something else to happen.

When you ask the Creator for a fish, do you expect to receive a stone? When you ask the Creator for bread, do you expect to receive a serpent?

Luke 11:11

One of the most baffling things is someone hoping for the best and expecting the worst. It’s completely understandable to hope for the best and be okay with the outcome either way. Think about Shadrach, Meshach, and that Billy Goat. (if you know you know) They knew for a fact that the Creator could save them from the fiery furnace, but they were also okay with the outcome either way. Look what happened, I AM showed up & showed out per usual! If you want to get a better job. Ask for the new job, and expect to receive the new job. Apply for jobs that you previously thought you weren’t qualified for. Go into interviews boldly. Know for a FACT that one of those companies is going to hire you. Be thankful and give praise once they do.

3. Be specific

Using the same scenario, don’t apply to paralegal positions, nursing positions, sales positions, marketing positions, and assembly line positions if you asked for an HR role. You need to have a little specificity in what you’re asking for. Don’t confuse (as if we ever could) I AM. Because more than likely I AM will circle back to you when you’ve made up your mind and ask you, ‘Are you ready?’ You’ll be over there crying woe is me while you apply to all these random positions. At the same time, you need to be open to having a dialogue. What you want may not be the best move for you to make, and could set you back a bit if you decide to proceed forward without listening to the divine intelligence that dwells within you.

4. Pray

There is power in prayer. Prayer is direct communication with the source of all creation, consciousness, intelligence, and awareness. Prayer allows us to strengthen our connection to our higher self. Search on Scholar Google for the scientific benefits of prayer. These studies also show that people who aren’t religious and don’t feel that they pray to a religious deity see the benefit of connecting with the divine oneness. We are all an extension of the source. I don’t believe that a person needs to be a Christian to have a connection with the Source, because Jesus said Himself, ‘A person can blaspheme against me and be saved, but a person cannot blaspheme against the holy spirit and be saved.” –Matthew 12:31-34. It is the holy spirit that gives the connection to the Source.

5. Let go of the outcome

We are the cause, not the effect. Let go & let flow. Don’t become attached to how something is going to happen. More than likely it’ll happen in a way that you didn’t think of. You’ll be amazed. The source is cool like that. Instead of focusing on how it will happen, be ready to SEE it happen. Remind yourself that it’s coming! Continue to remind yourself that it’s coming, every day even. Write it down, read what you’ve written, and listen to an audio recording of yourself reading what you wrote. Speak it into existence- whatever it takes to keep your mind in a childlike wonder of receiving what you’re expecting. Remember, thoughts become things.

What not to do

Quickly, I just want to point this out because I think it is important. You may have heard a law of attraction coach say, “Think about good things and not about bad things.” I’m sure you’ve heard it said that when you think about things you don’t want to happen they can materialize. Let me touch on this. The majority of the positive thoughts and ideas we have don’t immediately manifest. The same is true for the negative thoughts we have. 

I say ‘majority’ because I’ve had positive thoughts and positive ideas manifest almost instantly, on the same day, or very very quickly. I’m sure you have too! 

When I tell you to not think about negative things, I do not want you to be audibly (in your head or physically aloud) telling yourself to not think about something. 

For example,

If you’re manifesting getting upgraded to first-class from economy, I don’t want you to think thoughts like the following… 

“Don’t think about coach.” “Don’t think about economy.” “First-class, first-class.” “I deserve first class.” “My ticket says economy, but maybe I’ll get bumped up to first-class.” “I don’t want to be in coach, please don’t let me be in coach.” 

Don’t do that. Don’t be fearful about it either. Your subconscious mind will accept any thought or idea that you embed in it. You’re putting mixed vibrations out. So yes, you can attract the things that you don’t want when you’re thinking about things that you don’t want. When I say do not think about negative thoughts, I mean Literally. DO. NOT. THINK. ABOUT. THEM. Like, at all. Think thoughts such as, “It feels nice to have been upgraded to first class.” “First class for me, wow, thank you.” “Why did I get offered a seat in first class?”

Put your intentions out there, and be detached from the result. When I say, ‘be detached from the result.’ I mean that I want you to recognize that your seat on the plane is in economy. Expect to check in to board the plane and be told that you’ve been upgraded to first class. I also want you to be content with the outcome either way. I want you to feel relaxed and excited about the entire experience. Get it? Of course, you do. You’re hip, you’re cool.


Hopefully, you have a better understanding of what the Law of Attraction is and how it works. The natural laws are harmonious with each other, so be sure to check out this post that goes into depth about how all of the laws are connected. The law of attraction is a three-step formula. It’s the law of attraction plus the law of vibration. Multiplied by the law of action. Be sure to read the additional blog posts that go into more detail about the formula.

Remember, all things are possible, they are! The best is yet to come, and the odds are always in your favor.

Aiyaken Sarai 💚👑

This blog post was written without the assistance of AI
