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Law of Action. How to use the law of attraction!

The Law of Action states that you need to act on the inspirations you have to see them come to fruition.

โ€œSo you want to own a unicorn company? You can think positively all day. You can recite affirmations all day, but if you donโ€™t take action- youโ€™ll only have a dream.โ€

-Aiyaken Sarai <3

What is the law of attraction?

The Law of Action is one of the twelve universal laws. I like to refer to these laws as natural laws because humans do not know for sure if these laws are in effect outside of Earth. No one knows for sure who ordained these laws or how their ordinance came to be. One thing is for sure, we can see the Law of Action in effect when we get an idea in our minds, immediately act upon it, and see that idea come to life. 

Newton’s third law of motion states, โ€˜For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.โ€™ Every choice we make and every move we make has a consequence. That consequence can be favorable or unfavorable. One could argue that not taking action, is still an action. 

Can you manifest without taking action?

There are some situations where you can see things manifested quickly. I know this because Iโ€™ve seen things manifest extremely quickly in my life without taking action. I simply asked. They were small things though! There have been times when Iโ€™ve thought about wanting to talk to someone and they call me. Iโ€™ve thought about wanting to be treated to a meal and Iโ€™ve received a phone call where someone invited me out. Thought about a movie I wanted to see and it aired on television that day. Iโ€™ve manifested undeniable signs to help me make a choice. Those are the types of things Iโ€™ve seen manifested extremely quickly. Thatโ€™s about the extent to which Iโ€™ve seen things manifested extremely quickly.

Iโ€™m not saying that your manifestations canโ€™t come true without taking action. Iโ€™m just saying that I donโ€™t think there would be a Law of Action if we didnโ€™t need to take action. 

Law of Action in the bible

This is also seen in biblical scripture. I recall reading about Joseph who interpreted the dream of Pharaoh and predicted seven years of plenty and seven years of scarcity. Joseph could have had wishful thinking and thought positively that โ€˜Godโ€™ would save Egypt and the surrounding regions from famine. Instead, Joseph took advantage of the seven years of plenty and saved a portion of the grain. Which ensured the people were well-fed.

Iโ€™m also reminded of Esther. She was said to be the queen of the Persian Empire. A man of power had a plot to annihilate the Jewish people. Esther had high hopes that โ€˜Godโ€™ would save her people. Her cousin Mordecai encouraged her to take action and petition their case to her husband, King of the Persian Empire. The Queen in return encouraged her uncle and the Jewish people to take action and fast as a petition to โ€˜God.โ€™ In the end, Esther was able to appeal to the emotion her Husband held for her, which saved the Jewish people.

I know many of you are interested in manifesting. I've created a free manifestation journal for those of you who have a Christian paradigm. In this journal, you can explore how manifesting is 100% biblical. You can grab that free journal here! 
Additional examples,

The last person Iโ€™ll mention is Ruth. Ruth was a widowed woman working in the fields to feed herself and her widowed mother-in-law. Ruthโ€™s mother-in-law encouraged her to take action and present herself to Boaz as an option for marriage. Through this action, Ruth was able to wed a wealthy man of influence. 

Joseph, Esther, and Ruth all had a plan, they had hope, and they had positive vibes that they sent towards their situations. In the end, it was their actions that led them to reach their goal. These are perfect examples of co-creating your life with the Creator.

How to use the law of action.

You can leverage the Law of Action by simply taking steps towards your goal. These can be baby steps, these can be larger steps. TAKE. A STEP. Do something thatโ€™ll put you one step closer to achieving your goal. If you have a goal of making a complete identity switch, begin taking action to become the person you desire to be.

If you have a goal of being able to run a mile without stopping, you can start by getting back into the habit of getting your body moving. You can walk a mile a day. After a while, you can begin increasing how many miles you walk. Once you feel open to it, push yourself to do a light jog. See how long you can jog without stopping. Do your workout routine as often as you can and modify it often. The goal should be to get one percent better each day. 

If you have a goal of being more outgoing you can take action by smiling at people as you pass them in the grocery store. You can go a step further by complementing something someone is wearing to strike up a conversation. 

Keep this in mind,

You never know where your actions will take you. It’s a good idea to set an intention of where you would like your ideas to take you. It’s an even better idea to utilize discernment about the actions you take. If an individual has the goal of owning a unicorn SaaS company, they will take action to become knowledgeable. They’ll align themselves with people in their industry, and many other things to see their company bring in over $1 billion. 

The most important thing you can do to leverage the Law of Action is to remember that the natural laws work in harmony with one another. You should also remember that your mind and body interact with both the spiritual realm and the physical realm. Your mind is composed of conscious and subconscious halves. The body is an extension of the mind. Your body and your mind work harmoniously with the physical and spiritual realms.

The metaphysics,

Do you remember when I said the thoughts that you think are embedded into your subconscious mind? It’s true. The thoughts that you think, the words that you speak, and the feelings you feel are coded in the cells of your body. Your body goes through mitosis and releases roughly 50,000 cells per second! These cells are released from your body and travel through the spiritual plane aligning people, things, situations, and opportunities in your life that are in harmony with the thoughts and feelings in your subconscious mind. 

This is how the Law of Action, the Law of Vibration, and the Law of Attraction work in harmony with each other. May you now have a better understanding of what the Law of Action is and how to leverage this law in your life.

Ask yourself this question

What actions could I begin taking today? How will these actions help bring me one step closer to reaching my goal?


The law of action is part of a powerful formula that will transform your life. That formula is (the law of attraction plus the law of vibration) multiplied by the law of action. Oftentimes people who want to harness the power of the law of attraction but aren’t educated in the way to do so. When a brilliant idea comes to mind, act upon it. Ideas aren’t selective to you alone. We all share in the collective consciousness. If you don’t act on it, best believe someone else will.

If you enjoyed learning about the law of action, check out this article that goes into detail about the 12 universal laws and how they work in harmony with one another. Remember, all things are possible, they are! The best is yet to come, and the odds are always in your favor.

Aiyaken Sarai ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ‘‘

This blog post was written without the assistance of AI