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Hermetic Principles: How to Apply Universal Laws in Your Life.

this image shows an image of a dark skinned woman. It looks as though she is in outer space. There is a computer chip in the shape of a circle where her third eye would be. There are electrical pulses that circle around her head. The photo conveys that the human mind emits and receives information similarly to a computer.

Hermetic principles are often defined as ‘universal’ because they are underlying principles in many religious and spiritual texts. You may be familiar with the phrase, ‘love fulfills the law.’

Love fulfills the law. Love is the strongest vibration that we can operate from.

Introduction: what are hermetic principles?

The infamous documentary, ‘The Secret’ got everyone hyped about the Law of Attraction. People always talk about using the Law of Attraction to manifest the things they want. They don’t break down the nitty-gritty of how the Law of Attraction is so impactful in their lives. The truth is, that the Law of Attraction is one of several universal laws. The universal laws are derived from hermetic principles. These laws work harmoniously with each other to help people have a better understanding of their human experience. As well as to better enjoy their lives.

I refer to these laws as natural laws. We humans don’t know for sure if these laws are in effect outside of Earth. No one knows for sure who ordained these laws, or how they were ordained. We can see the natural laws in effect when humans, animals, and creation live in harmony with each other. It’s fascinating that many of the world’s leaders and most successful people understand these laws. They say that they accomplish greatness and reach tranquility by monitoring their thoughts, feelings, and actions. In addition to becoming aware of their connection to the world around them.

In this article, we’re going to explore a general overview of these laws. We’ll also see how we can leverage them in our daily lives. Interested in learning more about a particular law? Simply click the title and you’ll be whisked away to a more in-depth article.

Here’s a quick reminder before we get started.

The best way to leverage these laws is to undergo a complete identity switch. Ultimately you’ll have to. When you are in harmony with hermetic principles, you understand yourself better. You know other people better. You’ll have a better understanding of the way our world works. This helps you develop a different outlook on life. You’ll realize that humans are here on a journey. This helps you begin to have compassion for them. You’ll let go of past hurts and forgive yourself and others for unnecessary pain. This helps you look on the brighter side of things. You’ll see things objectively and realize that humans are always presented with opportunities to learn. You’ll strive to be the best version of yourself by improving and becoming one percent better each day. This is why I feel the best law to begin with is the law of divine oneness.

Let’s explore the hermetic principles!

I know many of you are interested in manifesting. I’ve created a free manifestation journal for those of you who have a Christian paradigm. In this journal, you can explore how manifesting is 100% biblical. You can grab that free eBook here!

The Law of Divine Oneness

A photo of a beautiful black woman adorned with a crown of flowers. She is pictured in a field of flowers. There's a plucked daisy in her hand that she's smelling. She's surrounded by bees and there is a rabbit looking at her in adoration. This image is used to showcase the law of divine oneness which is derived from hermetic principles.
Divine oneness is a hermetic principle that reminds us of our connection to the source of all creation. As well as our connection to other beings and with nature itself.

The Law of Divine Oneness is a hermetic principle that states that everything is connected. With the center of our connection being the Source of all consciousness. This planet and life here on it came into existence somehow. Different people believe different things. No one knows for sure how we came to be, but one thing is certain, we’re here. Not only are we here, but we’re also all connected. The world was designed in such a way that everything works perfectly in harmony with each other.

There are scavenger animals that feed off of dead animals which help keep the earth clean. The plants help keep the air clean for humans and animals to live. Humans and animals emit a gas that helps the plants live. The sun and the moon give us light and warmth. In addition to helping the Earth be habitable for plants and living creatures. Even the sea has its ecosystem to keep itself operating efficiently.

Things to consider,

Everything you do to or for someone else you’re essentially doing to and for yourself. You’ve heard it said time and time again, that it is better to give than to receive. This is true on so many different levels. When we give, we are receiving. You can use the Law of Divine Oneness to change the outcomes of your situations. Your thoughts, your feelings, and your actions can affect the entire collective consciousness. As well as the nature around you. Understanding this hermetic principle is essential.

The Law of Rhythm

As you strive to reach a level of higher consciousness, you begin to see a shift in your perspective. You understand that there are different phases in life, and realize that change is bound to come. You’ll begin to understand that change doesn’t have to mean ‘bad.’ When things move in one direction, they must come back and repeat the same cycle. In Winter there aren’t any leaves on the trees. The trees begin to bud during the spring. In Summer the trees are in full blossom. While the leaves of trees begin to fall in autumn, the cycle begins all over again. This is true for many areas of our lives.

You’ll begin to enjoy the good times and have the perspective that harder times will not always last. You develop the understanding that you’re able to withstand any situation that comes your way. You’ll also begin to notice that you can be in multiple phases at the same time. You can be in a season of singleness, experiencing a growth phase in your career. During the summer months, waiting for the new season of your favorite show to come back to Netflix.

Things to consider,

This hermetic principle reminds us that some things come in cycles: reaping and sowing, our careers, money, etc. However, sometimes people are on a hamster wheel. Seeing the same situations and seasons over and over and over again when they don’t need to. They’re not learning from their mistakes which is why people need to understand the law of relativity.

The Law of Relativity

The Law of Relativity is in place to help you see areas in your life that could use improvement. You elevate to a higher level once you’ve successfully passed your test. If you don’t pass your test, life will present you with a ‘redo’ scenario. In the game of life, we have different experiences that help us elevate to a higher level of vibration. We can decide how we respond to a situation. Different people can experience the same situation and experience completely different thoughts, feelings, and actions within that situation. Each person is placed in situations to teach them something about themselves. Wise individuals peep game and behave accordingly. Be mindful of the situations that you’re in. Look at situations in your life as an opportunity to grow and reflect.

You have the freedom to decide how you respond in situations. This helps you to be able to experience different perspectives in life. This is why it’s a good idea to understand the law of polarity.

The Law of Polarity

The Law of Polarity is a hermetic principle that there are two sides to every coin. You cannot have one without the other. The coin itself can represent anything and is in your possession at all times. When it comes to manifesting, our mindset is the determining factor that dictates whether we get ‘heads’ or ‘tails.’ You’re going to have the coin either way, so which side are you expecting to see? There are a lot of things that we cannot control, but we can always control our reactions. We can always control our thoughts, and we can always control our feelings.

A romantic relationship is a coin you control that is always in your possession. The toss-up would be between a healthy relationship or remaining single. Do you have a core belief that you’re worthy and ready to be in a healthy relationship? A coin always in your possession that you cannot control is- life. You cannot control when you or someone you know will have the toss-up of ‘birth’ or ‘death.’ If the coin flips ‘death’ for someone you know. Of course, it’s okay to experience sadness. Leverage the Law of Polarity by understanding there is a time to be born and a time to die. Realize that ‘happiness’ and ‘sadness’ are opposites. You can choose to remain in a state of sadness. Or you can celebrate the life of the person you knew, instead of going into a depression over their death.

Things to consider,

When you’re on this journey of reaching a higher consciousness you begin to inspect your thoughts more. Your motives become pure. You understand that there is more to life than what meets the eye. Which is why it’s good to have an understanding of the law of correspondence.

The Law of Correspondence

A photo of a beautiful black woman adorned with a diamond tiara and diamond earrings. She is looking at her reflection in a handheld golden mirror that has a sapphire gem on it.  This image is used as a visual of the law of correspondence which is a hermetic principles.
The law of correspondence is a hermetic principle that reminds us that our reality is a reflection of our inner world.

The Law of Correspondence is a hermetic principle. It reminds us that what is going on in a person’s exterior world reflects that person’s interior world. Our outer surroundings are in sync with our inner state of mind. Our surroundings tell us what is going on inside of us. We’re also able to see what’s going on inside someone else’s mind based on what’s going on in their lives. You need to have an understanding of the physical realm, the spiritual realm, and the realm of your mind.

I like to refer to the mind as ‘my inner world.’ A person constantly in a state of negativity may see negative situations in their life. They may always find something to complain about. A person is always looking for positive experiences and may see many pleasurable experiences in their life. Even if a person does not know how this law operates, they’re still influenced by it.

Understand that the change you want to see in your outer world begins by changing your inside world. Even if you want to change the collective consciousness, you need to first change yourself. You’ll be able to accomplish this when you develop a better understanding of the law of perpetual transmutation of energy.

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy states that everything exists, and nothing ceases to exist- it simply changes form. The name of the law itself, suggests the meaning of a never-ending ability for a quantitative property to change form. You’ve seen water transform into ice, steam, and condensation. Our thoughts are energy, and we can see our thoughts manifested in the physical realm. Our thoughts influence our actions. Typically before we act, we have a thought that influences that action. You can leverage this law by understanding that you can transform your energy. You can create the life you want and influence the lives of others. Remember, everything that we see starts with an idea. Even our world itself.

This law makes you feel cool huh? ‘Oh, so I can transform energy by thinking thoughts, feeling feelings, and doing things that create other things?’ YUP! A great place to begin harnessing your newfound abilities is by leveraging the law of gender.

The Law of Gender

The law of gender is a universal law that states that everything has masculine and feminine qualities. Everything has a period of development. No, masculine energy isn’t big biceps and feminine energy isn’t makeup and pretty dresses. It doesn’t have anything to do with human males or human females. Feminine energy and masculine energy are within all humans. Recognize which energy you’re operating in and when to switch between the two.

A person is using their feminine energy when they are thinking of different ideas and setting goals. A person is using their masculine energy when they are actively working towards achieving those goals. The feminine energy says, “I would like for XYZ to happen.” The masculine energy says, “I’m going to do 123 to make XYZ happen.”

Feminine energy helps us be creative. Feminine energy helps us listen to our intuition. Masculine energy is what helps us achieve things. Masculine energy is what gets things done. Understanding this balance will allow you to be successful in all areas of your life.

With the foundation of these before-mentioned laws, you’ll be able to go BEAST MODE in the following hermetic principles. 

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction says you receive that which you focus on the most. This is why people encourage you to think about the things that you want to see manifested in your life. You should also become emotionally invested in the things you want and expect to see them come to pass. The thoughts that we think, dictate our feelings. Our feelings are embedded into our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind controls pretty much all of our habitual behaviors. Did you know that the majority of our behaviors are habitual?

I’ve mentioned ‘thinking’ numerous times. I must clarify that thinking about things is just one piece of the equation. You also need to leverage the law of vibration.

The Law of Vibration

Stay with me here, we’re going to go on a little ride. Everything is energy and everything is constantly in a state of motion- including our thoughts and feelings. When we have an idea or a thought, and we become emotionally involved with it. It seeps deep down into our subconscious mind. If you weren’t aware, your body is the physical representation of your mind. No one has ever seen the mind, the mind is not the brain. Our thoughts and feelings are embedded into every cell in our body. Our cells split at rapid rates, around 50,000 per second. These cells leave the body and travel through the ether. While they travel, they take the thoughts and feelings of your subconscious mind and attract harmonious things to you. If you’ve yet to explore any of these laws on a deeper level THIS is the additional article to read!

Reaching a higher level of consciousness is such an amazing feeling. It’s like being one with the Creator, truly. A lot of you are here because you want to know how to use the Law of Attraction. I’ll let you in on the secret that the documentary ‘The Secret’ left out. The formula is (Law of Attraction+ Law of Vibration multiplied by the Law of Action equals results) You’re welcome!

The Law of Action

The Law of Action states that you need to act on the inspirations you have. Once you act on them you’ll see them come to fruition. The Law of Attraction doesn’t work unless you do! One could argue that not taking action is still an action that will bring a result. Begin by taking steps towards your goal. These can be baby steps, these can be larger steps. TAKE! A! STEP! Do something that’ll put you one step closer to achieving your goal. If you have a goal of making a complete identity switch, begin taking action to become that person. You never know where your actions will take you. I’m sure you have an idea of where you would like them to take you. You won’t know for sure until you take action.

Once you begin to take action you’ll see an outcome. The wild thing is, even if you don’t take action you’ll see an outcome. When you understand this, you’ll understand the law of cause and effect.

The Law of Cause and Effect

The law of Cause and Effect states that there is an equal and opposite reaction for every action that is taken. This means that everything you do has a consequence, and your perception determines if it is positive or negative. Everything reacts. Not just the actions of humans, but other living things in the world and the cosmos as well. When rain falls from the sky and the droplets hit the waters, the entire shoreline is altered. The moon setting and rising causes there to be an effect on the tidal waves, and human bodies. Every choice that someone makes has the potential to change not only their lives but the lives of others around them. Every choice that we make affects the future in some way or another, even if we don’t see it.

You can think of the Law of Cause and Effect as compound interest.
If you have a goal that you’re trying to reach, every action that you take toward accomplishing that goal is multiplied. Realize that the actions you take affect the collective consciousness. The things you do affect the lives of other people. Your smile could give someone faith in the fact that everything is going to be okay. Oftentimes you will hear the Law of Cause and Effect linked to ‘Karma.’ I’m here to tell you that it’s soOo much more than reaping and sowing. It involves how your actions affect not only yourself, but the earth, the cosmos, and the collective consciousness.

Things to consider,

You’ll see a complete 180-degree difference in your life when you understand how these laws work in harmony with each other. Use the formula (Law of attraction+ Law of vibration multiplied by the Law of Action equals results.) Everything we do affects the results we see. Every thought, every feeling, and every action. Leveraging each of these laws has an impact on our results and brings us a more prosperous life.

The Law of Compensation

The Law of Compensation states that the ‘reward’ you receive is based upon the level of valuable service you provide. This law impacts every area in your life, not just your finances. When it comes to this law, just because you’re sowing doesn’t mean you’ll reap a bountiful harvest. Your attitude, which consists of your thoughts, feelings, and actions, largely dictates what and how much you will reap. A person can go to work and work hard all day every day. It doesn’t mean that their compensation will be large.

Do you have a difficult time identifying the value you offer the world? Everything you do has the potential to be valuable to yourself, others, and the world in some way. Even committing to a fitness routine has value. You’re doing your part in keeping your body healthy. This can reduce the stress of physicians who have to find underlying problems for the symptoms people are having. Also, another way you can be valuable is by being knowledgeable, motivating, and helping people.


There you have it! A quick overview of hermetic principles and how you can leverage them in your life. Remember, if you’re interested in exploring any of these laws further, click the title of the law and it’ll take you to a more in-depth article. Since I’ve begun learning more about these laws and pairing them with my spiritual studies I’ve seen a major difference in my life. May you have fun with these laws! Know that these laws are in place to help us enjoy our lives. The more we understand them, the better our lives will be. That’s my logic anyway!

Remember, all things are possible, they are! The best is yet to come and the odds are always in your favor!

Aiyaken Sarai 💚👑

This blog post was written without the assistance of AI
