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The Power of Awareness: Imagination and the Law of Attraction

Power of Awareness. This photo shows an image of a woman in the middle of an angry crowd. She is calm and poised. She is at peace. Even in the present moment surrounded by an angry crowd. This is the power of awareness.


Have you heard of Neville Goddard? He is revered in spaces discussing personal development and spiritual growth. To this day, his teachings inspire and resonate with seekers of truth. Known for his book, ‘The Power of Awareness.’ The book is seen as a source of profound wisdom that can transform the lives of those who dare to live in the present moment.

Being in the present moment allows you to tap into your creative power- your thoughts and emotions. Leading to personal growth and fulfillment.

This blog post will discuss key concepts mentioned in “The Power of Awareness.” We will discuss the power of words. We’ll also discuss how you can be both present and live in your desired outcome. We’ll discuss overcoming limiting beliefs and explore ways to apply this information to your daily life.

What is consciousness?

Consciousness is the ability to be aware of oneself and one’s surroundings. I know that I am me, and you know that you are you. Consciousness plays a major role in our reality. In “The Power of Awareness” Neville Goddard emphasizes how the things you experience in your outer world reflect the state of your inner world. You can transform your reality when you are conscious of your beliefs, assumptions, and attitudes.

I've written a blog post that goes into depth of the Law of Correspondence and other universal laws. If you're interested in learning more about how our outer world is a reflection of our inner world be sure to read this blog post!

Neville Goddard entire teaching stems around thoughts being creative forces that shape the reality we experience. The strongest beliefs that we hold about ourselves and the world are seeds that manifest our reality. When you’re consciously aware of your thoughts, your mental patterns begin to attract your desired outcomes.

I also have a blog post that goes into depth of the law of attraction. It doesn't work unless you do! Read the blog post here!

Where did Neville Goddard Learn this Information?

Like all of us, Neville Goddard compiled information from diverse sources. He studied mystical teachings and philosophical texts and he had his personal experiences. One teacher he had was named Abdullah. He was an Ethiopian rabbi known for his deep spiritual wisdom and teachings. Abdullah helped mold the mind of Goddard. Abdullah was able to deposit concepts into Goddard that transcend traditional religious boundaries. He emphasized the power of consciousness, imagination, and faith in manifesting. With Abdullah’s guidance, Neville Goddard gained insight that profoundly influenced his teachings and impacted countless lives. You can read more about Abdullah here.

A fundamental point of the book, “The Power of Awareness”

Neville Goodard states that awareness precedes manifestation. For a desired outcome to materialize one must first be aware of the desire within ourselves. Our awareness of the desire becomes an intention. Intention is energy that attracts experiences and opportunities that align with the desires of our inner world.

It sounds amazing right? It is. It’s powerful. One may read this and say, ‘My desires don’t manifest.’ Everything that we focus on manifests in some way. If you’re focusing on how “it’s always something” then that is the desire of your heart, therefore, it’s always something.

The Power of Awareness: Imagination and the Law of Attraction

Neville Goddard is known for his teaching of the law of attraction. The law of attraction is said to be a universal law. (I refer to these laws as natural laws because we ‘humans’ do not know if these laws exist outside of Earth) This law says that our energetic vibrations attract experiences into our lives that correspond with our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions.

Imagination isn’t designed for kindergarteners alone but for humans of all ages. Your imagination is the bridge that connects your inner world with your outer world. Become a skilled deliberate thinker. Deliberately visualize your desires. Embody having your desires. It is suggested to vividly imagine you already have achieved your goals because the mind interprets all stimuli as true. Just know you’re in good company.

People all over the world have sung the praises of deliberate thinking. It’s time to get off auto-pilot and live your life! People have manifested career opportunities, fulfilling relationships, and peace of mind. Your power is in your consciousness. To be fully conscious, be aware of your present moment. Not in the future, not in the past. Right here, right now.

The Power of Words

The way you speak about yourself and your life is important. The words you speak can reinforce crippling beliefs or affirm our desired outcome. The way you speak to yourself, and to others is a powerful tool. Consciously choose your words. Speak from a place of empowerment. Harness the power of your tongue.

There is power of life and death in the tongue. 
-Proverbs 18:21
Self Talk

Do you hear your voice in your head? Then you have an inner dialogue. Your inner dialogue is known as self-talk. They say that the majority of people have negative self-talk on repeat 24/7. INSANE! Literally. When people tell me they cannot control their thoughts I like to ask them if they can control the words that come out of their mouths.

A constant flow of negative thoughts means you are not in the present moment. Period. When you’re in the present moment you may very well only hear silence, until you deliberately choose to speak directly to yourself. Remember, we are telepathic beings at our core. We can feel the vibrations of others from feet away, sometimes miles away.

Remember the world we live in. Radio waves are broadcast throughout the world at rapid speeds. They not only penetrate your cellphone and TV, but also YOU! Your body can interpret. It can interpret the radiowaves that travel through the sky. Those wild, crazy, annoying, angry, negative, lustful thoughts literally may not be your own. You need to have a shield of protection around you. Your shield is being in the present moment.

When I was a Christian I learned how to put on a spiritual armor. The helmet of salvation is used to block thoughts that aren't profitable from penetrating into your mind. The shield of faith is used to protect you from what's false becuase you have EVIDENCE that what you once hoped for manifested into the phyical realm and you know what you desire can manifest again. The sword, the words you speak, can penetrate through time, space, and matter. 
-Ephesians 6:10-17
Affirmations: Practical Tips for Healthy Self Talk
  1. Say your affirmations in the present tense as if they have manifested.
  2. Repeat your affirmations regularly.
  3. Be specific and clear when writing your affirmations.
  4. Know your desired outcome has happened.
  5. Express gratitude and appreciation for what’s to come and already done.
  6. Only speak of the desired outcome you want.
    For example, if you want to write an affirmation stop procrastinating. A great option would be, ‘I enjoy completing my tasks in an organized and timely manner.’ as opposed to ‘I don’t wait until the last minute to do things.’ Instead, a better choice of words would be, ‘I complete my tasks on time.’

The Power of Awareness: Living in the End

Another concept that Neville Goddard taught is living in the end. “Living in the end” is holding a feeling of having your wish fulfilled. To do this, you’ll need to embody your desired outcome as if it has already manifested in your reality. Living in the end allows your thoughts, emotions, and your actions to align with your desire. Read more about the law of action here.

Your subconscious mind acts on the emotions that you feel. This influences your external circumstances. You can accelerate the manifestation process by feeling joy, gratitude, and fulfillment.

You can live fully present in the moment and live in the end. This is done by knowing and assuming that which you desire has already manifested at some point in time, therefore making it yours already.

The Power of Awareness: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

You’ve heard of limiting beliefs if you’ve watched a single video about mindset in the last 4 years. It’s a new buzzword. By definition, a limiting belief is a thought or state of mind that you think is the absolute truth that stops you from doing certain things. Limiting beliefs can block your manifestation.

They stem from social conditioning, past experiences, and can even be self-perceived. Neville Goddard encourages individuals to identify the limiting beliefs they have so they can be overcome. It’s crucial for tapping into your power. Overcoming limiting beliefs requires self-reflection. Question the validity of all of you know to be true. Reframe your beliefs in things that empower you.

How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs

  1. Journal: Write down the beliefs you have that you know are false on one side of the paper. Flip it over and write the exact opposite on the back. These can be used as your affirmations.
  2. Visualize: Imagine living with beliefs that empower you and set you up to win.
  3. Affirmations: Recite your affirmations aloud and in your head repeatedly throughout the day.
  4. Reflection: Sit and think about past experiences that could have shaped your beliefs today and confirm the origin of the limiting belief.
  5. Seek Support: It could be a wonderful addition to your journey if you had a mentor, coach, or accountability partner during this time.

The Power of Awareness: How to Living in the Present Moment

People are accustomed to living life on autopilot. They are not living in the moment. Therefore their minds are all over the place. They’re tossed to the side and back again because they aren’t grounded within themselves. Here are some simple ways to stay in the present moment.

  1. Mindful breathing: Focus on your breath throughout the day this brings awareness to the present moment.
  2. Conscious listening: Give your full attention to the speaker and their message.
  3. Gratitude practice: Acknowledge and appreciate the blessings in your life.
  4. Mindful eating: Pay attention to the flavors, textures, and sensations while eating. Savor each bite.
  5. Daily reflection: Set aside time to examine your thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

I like to wake up early to enjoy the quiet while the world sleeps. I blast solfeggio frequencies in my Bose headphones and recite my affirmations. This relaxes me. This is a way to remind myself of who I am and what I believe to be true. The vibrations from the tones humming through my body anchor me. If you’re interested in learning more about how I incorporate vibrations and affirmations into my meditation this blog post will be a good read for you!

Woo Woo for the Win

Some do not believe in spiritual laws such as the law of attraction, or the power of being in the present moment. They say expressing your divine nature oversimplifies the complexities of life and ignores systemic factors. Some people do not like the idea that individuals alone are responsible for the circumstances they have in life. Expressing your divine nature requires you to accept responsibility. Some people feel they are being blamed as the victim when told to take responsibility for their circumstances in life.

Some skeptics say the power of awareness and the mind has no scientific validity or empirical evidence. They may not have seen the studies of people healing their spines with their minds to be able to walk again. Admittedly, there are some misconceptions and misapplications of spiritual concepts. Leading to unrealistic expectations and disappointment. This is why it’s best, to be honest with oneself and live in the moment.

I implore you to take the information you’re learning and apply it to your life. Become the experiment. Live to tell the tale to others and be an example for others. Each one has the ability to teach one!


The book, “The Power of Awareness” by Neville Goddard is a book that holds concepts that everyone should adopt. There’s such transformative power to shape one’s reality simply by being conscious of the present moment. Thoughts, emotions, and what you believe to be true are the building blocks that create your reality. We have to use the tools in our belt to overcome limiting beliefs. These tools are journaling, meditation, visualization, and breathing exercises. All can help you be present and assume the desired outcome has come to pass. Grab your copy from Amazon now!

Thank you for reading this blog post. May you now have a better understanding of, “The Power of Awareness” and what Neville Goddard taught. Remember, all things are possible, they are! The best is yet to come and the odds are always in your favor. Take Care!

Aiyaken Sarai ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ‘‘

This blog post was written without the assistance of AI