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Solfeggio Frequency Science: Benefits of Sound Therapy

Introduction to Solfeggio Frequency Science

The Western world has explored Solfeggio Frequency Science dating back to the 1800’s. In this blog post, we will explore the scientific benefits of sound therapy. There a several aspects to take into consideration when discussing how music can affect the arousal of different emotions. There is the melody of the music, the rhythm, and the dynamism. [1] There is evidence that supports music of high-frequency sounds stimulating dopamine production and suppressing sympathetic nervous system activity. [2] Studies have shown that tones of a higher frequency can stimulate dopamine better than lower-frequency tones. [3] Studies have also shown that oxytocin increases when people listen to slow-tempo music compared to fast-tempo music. [4]

Dopamine is when you have feelings of reward and motivation. Oxytocin is the love hormone that gives you a rush of pleasure from connection and affection. [5] The solfeggio frequency 528 Hz has been scientifically proven to increase both dopamine and oxytocin, as well as reduce stress levels. 

Are these regular tones?

The standard frequency recognized internationally is 440 Hz. There isn’t a 528 Hz on this scale. It is when the reference tone is set to 444 Hz that 528 Hz is included on the musical scale. [6] When the musical scale is adjusted, we have what is referred to as the solfeggio frequencies.

What are solfeggio frequencies?

Solfège is the traditional singing exercise using the syllables ‘Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti’ upwards through the 7-note Major Scale. Solfeggio frequencies differ from Solfège. While the two share a couple of the same names for the tones, the two scales sound completely different. [7] 

The syllables  (Ut, Re Mi, Fa, So, La) are derived from a Latin hymn sung to St. John the Baptist.  

Utquaent laxis
Resonare fibris
Mira gestorum
Famuli tuorum
Solve pollute
Labii rreatru
Sancte lohannes 

Does this type of music sound familiar to you? Where would one typically hear music like this played? Which group of people typically utilize this type of vocals?

The Latin hymn translates as “So that your servants may sing with clear voices the wonders of your deeds and wash the guilt for their stained lips.” John Beaulieu, composer, pianist, and naturopathic doctor, provided the world with an alternative translation of the lyrics of the song based on his profound knowledge of sound healing. His translation read, “So that we, the servants of the divine, may sing with tuned voices, and bring ourselves in resonance with the wonders of your vibrational universe.” [8] 

Solfeggio Frequency Science: What are the benefits of listening to solfeggio frequencies?

The benefits of listening to solfeggio frequencies include an increase in oxytocin levels and an increase in dopamine. Studies have shown that listening to solfeggio frequencies even for short periods can reduce stress levels. Many people express feelings of euphoria and the ability to connect with their higher power while listening to solfeggio frequencies. 

Medical professionals have even begun using sound therapy to help their patients during recovery.

Goddess Sarai, the author of this blog posts, has used this image to showcase the solfeggio frequency science as well as the benefits of sound therapy. The photo was taken from the scholarly article, 'Sound Therapy: Vibratory Frequencies of Cells in Healthy and Disease States.' The chart states that the benefits of sound therapy are as followed. Relieves stress, anxiety and depression. Pain relief and relaxation. Relieves insomnia and headaches. Increases productivity and focus. Released emotional and energetic trauma and blockages. Boosts immune system and increase mental and emotional clarity.
Photo Citation: Kerna NA, Chawla S, Carsrud NDV, Holets HM, Brown SM, Flores JV, Pruitt KD, Nwokorie U, Anderson II JA, Roberson R, Ayisire OE. “Sound Therapy: Vibratory Frequencies of Cells in Healthy and Disease States”. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports 5.3 (2022): 112-123.

What is a solfeggio tone? [9]

Solfeggio tones invoke cellular resonance patterns that affect physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states of being. This is where the sacred geometry comes into play. Geometric patterns are found in all living structures.  As above, so below. As within, so without. Solfeggio tones affect the geometric shape of water molecules via pulsations. These tones can restructure matter by altering chemical bonds.

The Power of Sound on Water!

What are the 9 solfeggio frequencies?

174 Hz Completion of Karma
285 Hz Remembering & Connecting
396 Hz Liberating Guilt & Fear
417 Hz Undoing Situations & Facilitating Change
528 Hz Transformation & Miracles 
639 Hz Connecting Relationships 
741 Hz Awakening Intuition 
852 Hz Return to Spiritual Order 
963 Hz Oneness & Unity Consciousness

Complete list of solfeggio frequencies

Let’s explore each solfeggio frequency more in-depth!

174 Hz Completion of Karma
  • Appears to be a natural anesthetic
  • Reduces pain physically and energetically
  • Provides organs with a sense of security, safety, and love

285 Hz Remembering & Connecting
  • Useful when treating wounds, cuts, burns, or any other form of damaged tissue.
  •  Returns tissue into its original form.
  • Influences energy fields sending them messages to restructure damaged organs.

396 Hz Liberating Guilt & Fear
  •  Cleanses the feeling of guilt which is often an obstacle to realization
  • Reduces the defense mechanisms 
  • Allows access to internal knowledge 
  • Removes subconscious negative beliefs that may be obstacles to peace 
  • Used as a means of grounding, awakening & returning to “reality”

417 Hz Undoing Situations & Facilitating Change
  •  Releases “appearance” of difficulties 
  • Clears trauma and destructive influences of past events
  • Promotes vision and insight
  • Clears limiting impressions of self
  • Aids in self-transformation

528 Hz Transformation & Miracles

This tone is one of the most explored in solfeggio frequency science!

  • Restores human DNA to the original state (used by biochemists to repair broken DNA)
  •  Increases life energy, clarity of mind, awareness, creativity, and deep inner peace
  • Magnifies intuition & appropriate use of free will with Divine guidance
  • Opens the person to deep spiritual experiences

639 Hz Connecting Relationships
  • Facilitates the unification of opposites (yin/yang)
  • Encourages the cell to communicate with its environment
  • Enhances harmonious communication, understanding, tolerance & love between friends, partners and family
  •  Useful for communication with other dimensional aspects of self

741 Hz Awakening Intuition
  • Cleanses the cell from toxins & electromagnetic radiation 
  • Can cleanse the body of viral, bacterial & fungal infections 
  • Stimulates opening of the mind
  • Integrates brain hemispheres
  • Can lead to a stable and spiritual life through the expression of love and purpose

852 Hz Return to Spiritual Order
  •  Allows one to feel the deep connection to the Source of all true power
  • Connects intuition and emotion to see through illusions of one’s life 
  • Protects and expands the inner voice
  •  Allows one to speak their Divine purpose

What is a 963 solfeggio frequency?

963 Hz Oneness & Unity Consciousness. It is one of the more popular solfeggio frequncies.

  • Connected to the principle of Light as a higher form of bio-energy
  • Raises awareness
  • Connects intuition and emotion 
  • Opens communication with Spirit
  • Allows one to speak their Divine purpose
Example of the Solfeggio Frequency scale played on the piano.

Solfeggio instruments

People utilize tuning forks and sound bowls to mimic the sounds of solfeggio tones. For those of you who enjoy playing a physical instrument, I found a resource for how you can tune your guitar to mimic the sounds as well. I’m not sure if this works the same with all instruments though, but you can try it out and see how it goes!

Photo Citation: Luciw, S. (2008). Chaos in boxes: Twisted adventures in music theory. Produce Press.

Solfeggio Frequency Science

A study that followed nine adults, eight women, and one man. Their findings suggested that 528 Hz music reduces stress even if participants listen to the music for only a short period. [1] Their study observed stress-reducing effects of 528 Hz compared to music of 440 Hz. They observed cortisol levels, oxytocin, and chromogranin A. Chromogranin A is a protein released by neuroendocrine cells. Neuroendocrine cells are found in many organs in the body and have characteristics of both nerve cells and cells that make hormones. [10]

When people experience psychological stress their level of chromogranin A rises more than their cortisol levels and decreases after the stress is relieved. [11]

In the 528 Hz condition, mean levels of cortisol significantly decreased, chromogranin A tended to decrease, and oxytocin significantly increased after music exposure. However, no significant change was observed in any salivary biomarkers in the 440 Hz condition. A note-worthy point to mention is chromogranin A began to fall after having only listened to 528 hz music for five minutes! Not only that, the levels continued to decrease up to 30 minutes after having stopped listening to the music! Also, their levels of oxytocin had an immediate significant increase. 

Solfeggio Frequency Healing

Everything in existence vibrates to the hum of its own tune. [12] Our bodies are no exception. There is an electro-magnetic field around the body, the organs, cells, bones, tissues, and liquids, each have their own vibratory frequency. [13] Practitioners are utilizing sound therapy to help their patients heal both emotionally and physically. Studies are showing that the benefits of sound therapy are leaning towards helping people release fear, sadness, feelings of loneliness, and despair. As well as to counteract physical ailments such as mobility issues, aches and pain, postoperative rehabilitation, and tinnitus. It’s even being used in conjunction with standard cancer treatments.

Frequency of the body

The body produces infrasonic waves. The human heartbeat, breathing, circulation of blood flow throughout the body, and other bodily functions generate infrasonic waves. [14,15]

This is an image from a scholarly publication, 'Sound Therapy: Vibratory Frequencies of Cells in Healthy and Disease States.' The writer of this blog post, goddess sarai, has used this image as an example of solfeggio frequency science. The photo is a graph that charts the resonance frequency readings of human organs. They are as followed: spinal column 8 Hz. Blood circulations 0.05- 0.3 Hz. Chest wall 60 Hz. Heart 1Hz. Abdomen, shoulders and lungs 4-8 Hz. Hands and arms 20-70 Hz. Ocular globe 60-90 Hz. Maxilla 100-200 Hz.
Photo Citation: Kerna NA, Chawla S, Carsrud NDV, Holets HM, Brown SM, Flores JV, Pruitt KD, Nwokorie U, Anderson II JA, Roberson R, Ayisire OE. “Sound Therapy: Vibratory Frequencies of Cells in Healthy and Disease States”. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports 5.3 (2022): 112-123.

History of sound healing

While sound healing is associated with new-age ideologies, Native Americans, shamans, and Aboriginal Australians have been incorporating sound healing into their culture for over a thousand years. [17,18] In the yogic tradition, individuals utter ‘bija’ mantras as healing prayers. The Chinese also have a practice of chanting and using sounds called ‘qi gong’ in the hopes of stimulating various organs. Even Greek physicians are said to have utilized the vibrations from musical instruments such as lyres, flutes, and zithers to help improve ailments such as digestion, rid of mental disorders, and help their patients sleep. [19] Even Aristotle himself sang the praises of how the vibrations from the flute can heal the soul. 

Fun Fact: Egyptian papyrus mentions the use of chanting and music in their chants. As well as ultrasound for healing the sick! [20]

Pythagoras was a  Greek philosopher and mathematician. Known to many as the Father of Harmony, used sound in his practice as well. He called this treatment “musical medicine”. He is said to have used music to cure psychological problems, such as despair, aggressive conduct, and rage.[21] Even in modern-day religious settings, individuals utilize chanting. Buddhists often are heard reciting their mantras. Christians and Catholics often recite the Lord’s Prayer or other scripture to help them with their day-to-day lives. It helps individuals calm and transform their minds.

How this relates to solfeggio frequency science,

Many sound bowls and tuning forks are on the solfeggio scale. One can hum. Chant, and om and match their voices to the sound of the solfeggio frequency that they hear. Which allows them to align themselves with the healing benefits of being conscious in the present moment with the tune and their intentions.

How I use solfeggio frequency Science

My favorite resource to listen to for solfeggio frequencies. Provided by Gaia Meditations

I genuinely feel that adding solfeggio frequency science into my meditations was a game-changer for me. I listen to this video at least twice a day. Once after waking up and once before falling asleep. While listening to this video, I mentally recite my affirmations. This is a video of nine pure tones, each lasting about three minutes. The video itself is about 30 minutes in length.

I begin my affirmations with ‘I AM statements’ and focus on reminding myself who and what I am. ‘I AM patient.’ ‘I AM kind.’ ‘I AM successful.’ The transitions between the tones are seamless, subtle even. Then I transition to I FEEL statements. ‘I FEEL peaceful.’ ‘I FEEL joyful.’ ‘I FEEL beautiful.’ Shifting my affirmations as each solfeggio frequency plays in the video.

The sequence of mental affirmations I perform are as follows: I AM, I FEEL, I DO, I LOVE, I SPEAK, I SEE, I UNDERSTAND, I KNOW. Once I’ve reached the end of this sequence, I then switch over to mentally reciting askfirmations. Askfirmations are when you’re asking your subconscious mind questions, and your subconscious mind seeks to affirm the answers throughout the day.

How askfirmations work

For example, I’ll ask myself, ‘Why do things always work out in my favor?’ Over the day I’m presented with an example of something working out in my favor. ‘Why am I so appreciated at work?’ Later that day I may receive an instant message from a colleague or someone in a position of authority telling me they appreciate me and also letting me know the reason why.

If you as yourself, ‘Why am I so beautiful?’ You may have the realization during your skincare routine, that you’re beautiful because you put effort into the way you present yourself to the world. You may have this realization while getting dressed for the day. You may have this realization after you’ve done something nice for a random stranger.

This is how I’m designing my reality

By incorporating solfeggio frequency science into my routine, I am taking full advantage of increasing my dopamine levels and oxytocin levels. I’m also reducing any stress. Reciting the affirmations helps to reaffirm who I believe and know myself to be, which boosts my confidence. I know that I have full control over my mind. And that my mind helps to create my physical reality. I know that setting time aside each day to meditate and reinforce my meditations throughout the day allows me to be the architect of my reality. I encourage you to become the architect of your reality as well.


Medical professionals are incorporating sound therapy into their practices in more diverse ways. This article from CBS 60 Minutes goes into detail about how neurosurgeons are using sound therapy to assist in performing non-invasive brain surgery! The science of solfeggio frequencies has been shown to reduce both stress and anxiety while increasing levels of dopamine and oxytocin in the body when participants listen to the 528 Hz frequency.

While the research on sound therapy and solfeggio frequency science can be traced back to the 1800s in the Western world, aboriginal cultures have been incorporating sound therapy into their daily lives dating back to the Egyptians.

The solfeggio scale, ‘Ut, Re Mi, Fa, So, La’ differs from the Solfège. Which is the traditional scale used when performing singing exercises using ‘Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti.’

Everything has a vibration, our bodies included. Scientists have now discovered the rate at which the organs of the body resonate. With further research, scientists will be able to discover more non-invasive ways of preparing the frequency of an organ directly without the use of medications and procedures that compromise the entire body.

Before you go

Thank you so much for reading this blog post. May you now have a better understanding of solfeggio frequency science and the benefits of sound therapy from a scholarly point of view. Incorporating sound therapy into your daily routine could prove to be beneficial. Are you already using sound therapy? If so, in what ways??

Remember, all things are possible, they are! The best is yet to come and the odds are always in your favor. Take care!

Aiyaken Sarai 💚👑


Please refer to the number inside of the [bracket] to further explore scholarly resources on the science of Solfeggio Frequencies.

  1. Kai, M., Ichikawa, S., Nimi, M. and Iwanaga, M. (2006) The Effects of Acoustic Aspects of Music to Musical Impression. Hiroshima Daigaku Daigakuin Sogo Kagaku Kenkyuka Kiyo. Ningen Kagaku Kenkyu, 1, 27-37
  2. Akiyama, K. and Sutoo, D. (2011) Effect of Different Frequencies of Music on Blood Pressure Regulation in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. Neuroscience Letters, 487, 58-60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neulet.2010.09.073
  3. Nakajima, Y., Tanaka, N., Mima, T. and Izumi, S.I. (2016) Stress Recovery Effects of High- and Low-Frequency Amplified Music on Heart Rate Variability. Behavioural Neurology, 2016, Article ID: 5965894. https://doi.org/10.1155/2016/5965894
  4. Ooishi, Y., Mukai, H., Watanabe, K., Kawato, S. and Kashino, M. (2017) Increase in Salivary Oxytocin and Decrease in Salivary Cortisol after Listening to Relaxing Slow-Tempo and Exciting Fast-Tempo Music. PLoS One, 12, e0189075. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0189075   
  5. Jessica Monge, Health & Wellness  Writer. (2022, March 24). Serotonin vs. Dopamine vs. Oxytocin: What’s the Difference? https://www.lifeextension.com/wellness/mind-memory/serotonin-vs-dopamine-vs-oxytocin#:~:text=These%20chemicals%20each%20act%20in,pleasure%20from%20affection%20and%20connection.
  6. Akimoto, K., Hu, A.L., Yamaguchi, T. and Kobayashi, H. (2018) Effect of 528 Hz Music on the Endocrine System and Autonomic Nervous System. Health, 10, 1159-1170. https://doi.org/10.4236/health.2018.109088
  7. Luciw, S. (2008). Chaos in boxes: Twisted adventures in music theory. Produce Press. 
  8. Schnitman Espindola, Tatiana Maria, “Sonic Peace: An Antithesis to Sonic Warfare” (2013). FIU Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 993. https://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/etd/993 
  9. Ford, L. J., Ph. D., FAOTA. (2022). Stress Management Certification Solfeggio Frequencies Study Guide 2: THE SOLFEGGIO TONES MYTH, MYSTERY & SCIENCE  PART 2. Talk About Light. https://www.talkaboutlight.com/wp-content/uploads/securepdfs/2022/03/Solfeggio-Frequencies_SG2.pdf
  10. Chromogranin A test. Testing.com. (2022, March 18). https://www.testing.com/tests/chromogranin/#:~:text=Chromogranin%20A%20(CgA)%20is%20a,of%20CgA%20in%20the%20blood. 
  11. Nakane, H. (2008) Systemic Diseases Seen from Dentistry Stress Measurement Evaluation by Salivary Chromogranin A. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Medicine, 52, 451-454
  12. Heather S. “What is sound healing”. The International Journal of Healing and Caring 7.3 (2007). https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228550675_WHAT_IS_SOUND_HEALING
  13. Kerna NA, Chawla S, Carsrud NDV, Holets HM, Brown SM, Flores JV, Pruitt KD, Nwokorie U, Anderson II JA, Roberson R, Ayisire OE. “Sound Therapy: Vibratory Frequencies of Cells in Healthy and Disease States”. EC Clinical and Medical Case Reports 5.3 (2022): 112-123.
  14.  Scientists research effects of infrasonic vibrations in humans (2021). https://phys.org/news/2016-10-scientists-effects-infrasonicvibrations-humans.html
  15. Duarte ML and De Brito Pereira M. “Vision influence on whole-body human vibration comfort levels”. Shock and Vibration 13.4- 5 (2006): 367-377. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274471590_Vision_Influence_on_Whole-Body_Human_Vibration_ Comfort_Levels
  16. Frequency boosts (2021). https://medium.com/thrive-global/three-hacks-to-boost-your-frequency-af1a6c3887c2
  17. The history of sound healing (2021). https://soundtherapy.education/history of sound-healing/
  18. Goldsby TL., et al. “Effects of singing bowl sound meditation on mood, tension, and well-being: an observational study”. Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 22.3 (2017): 401-406. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/ PMC5871151/
  19. Meymandi A. “Music, medicine, healing, and the genome project”. Psychiatry 6.9 (2009): 43. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/ articles/PMC2766288/
  20. The history of sound healing (2021). https://soundtherapy.education/history of sound-healing/
  21. Music and Mathematics: A Pythagorean Perspective (2021). https://www.unyp.cz/news/music-and-mathematics-pythagoreanperspective/

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