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All is mental. Explore esoteric knowledge and vibrate at high levels. Delicious alkaline vegan meals. Mindset Motivation

Alkaline Vegan Substitutions: how to turn your favorite meals into alkaline vegan dishes.

A photo of alkaline vegan chick'n made from fried oyster mushrooms.


Many people are incorporating more alkaline dishes into their diet after learning of the health benefits of eliminating excess mucus. One of the biggest struggles that individuals face when they’re on an alkaline vegan diet is they feel that their options for meals are limited. Lucky for you, you’re about to learn how to go about alkaline vegan substitutions!

Individuals are realizing that their health is their wealth and realizing that they have the power to invest in their health by eating nutrient-rich foods. Typically people associate nutrient-rich foods with fruits and vegetables. Rightfully so. However, there has been speculation that not all fruits and vegetables are created equal. Alfredo Bowman, known by many in his community as Dr. Sebi, encourages individuals to avoid certain fruits and vegetables and encourages people to stay away from hybrid foods. While many hybrid foods were created naturally in the wild, Dr. Sebi says that many of the fruits and vegetables in the grocery stores were created in laboratories or crossbred with human hands.

Keep this in mind

It’s much easier to list the approved foods as opposed to the foods that aren’t approved. You can find a copy of Dr. Sebis’s nutritional guide here. This blog post is to help you avoid looking at this nutritional guide as daunting. You might see this limited list and think to yourself, ‘Gosh, I’m going to starve’ and this is farthest from the truth. You all still have full autonomy over your diet and can eat the same foods that you love and enjoy. Now, I cannot promise you that you can find these foods at regular restaurants but you for sure can have these foods from the comfort of your own home!

Of course, there may come times when you will want dairy, meat, or refined sugar. I encourage you to immerse yourself in a community of other alkaline vegans. Read, read, and reread all of the testimonials that people have shared regarding the reversal of autoimmune disorders, and other diseases that were said to be incurable. Also, remember why you started. What is your reason for beginning your alkaline vegan journey? These will help you regain your strength, whether you’re completing an alkaline vegan detox for six weeks or if you’re committed for the remainder of your life.

Alkaline Foods

Let’s talk about some of the most popular alkaline vegan foods and some of their benefits. The leaves of Soursops are said to be so powerful that they can be as effective in reversing cancer as chemo treatments. Burdock is filled with iron and is known as a powerful blood detoxifier. Nettle leaves are a natural source of chlorophyll, which is rich in magnesium. Raspberry leaves have been known to help reduce body cramps as well as help women with morning sickness when pregnant.

Fungus and yeast thrive in acidic environments. The Standard American Diet is the perfect diet to feed fungus and yeast. The SAD diet consists of a lot of sugar. Sugar from carbs, which basically everything is made from bread, cereals, and snacks. There is hidden sugar in pretty much everything, especially your condiments. An alkaline diet drastically eliminates the amount of carbs one consumes. Many of the kinds of pasta that people enjoy on the alkaline diet are turned into protein when digested in the body, instead of sugar.

Foods such as meat and dairy also aid in the body being in an acidic environment. The best way to eliminate fungus and yeast from the body is to starve it. Rob it of the sugar, rob it of the dairy, rob it of the meats. Of course, everything is okay in moderation. It’s okay to begin decreasing the acidic food and increasing more alkaline foods. Lemons, while acidic in their own right, become alkaline in the body when ingested. Simple things such as incorporating lemon water into your daily routine can help alkalize the body.

Embrace the Transition

You could embrace the alkaline lifestyle cold turkey if you’d like. Or you can transition into the lifestyle by decreasing the acidic foods from your diet and increasing your alkaline foods. As mentioned earlier you can incorporate freshly squeezed lemon juice into your daily routine to help alkalize your body. While it may seem tempting, do not go overboard with adding apple cider vinegar into your daily routine. I say this as a warning, I personally know someone who was hospitalized when their blood became TOO acidic. They were drinking ACV shots daily. While it helped them in the area they were hoping for, which was their blood sugar levels, there were adverse reactions.

The Alkaline vegan diet can also be considered a partial fast. I've written a free eBook for those of you who are interested in everything related to fasting. It goes into detail of the history of fasting. As well as the benefits of different types of fasting. It's also important to know how to properly break a fast and how to go about the refeeding phase. All of which is included in the eBook. Grab your free copy today!

Another way to incorporate alkaline substitutions is by cooking one alkaline meal a week. On a daily basis you can incorporate one green juice. Want to know what will really help you transition? Begin shopping for seeded fruits when you’re doing your grocery shopping. Already eating organic fruits? That’s great! Does the grocery store you order from offer seeded grapes? If not, what grocery store around you does?

If there are any vegetables in Dr. Sebi’s nutritional guide that you’re unfamiliar with? How about researching that vegetable and learning the benefits of incorporating it into your diet? Perhaps purchase it and find a recipe on Pinterest, maybe even MPB, and try it out!

How alkaline vegan substitutions helps to keep things interesting

When on an alkaline vegan diet it is soOo easy to get bored with what you’re eating. This is why I encourage people to consistently try new recipes and to try different fruits and vegetables. Your grocery list should be diverse. I’m guilty of getting into a rut by purchasing the same fruits. Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, grapes, and apples are always in my cart. I have to remind myself to try other fruits. It was a learning process trying other produce. I had to learn to enjoy pears, I had to learn to enjoy mangos, and you know what? I still don’t like melons. Except for watermelon, but where can you find seeded watermelon these days?

I encourage you to remember to try out different fruits and vegetables every time you do your grocery shopping. It’s the only way you will diversify your palate. I’ve written a blog post that had additional tips on how to not get bored on an alkaline vegan diet. You can read that blog post here.

The easiest way to transition into the alkaline vegan lifestyle is by substituting your favorite meals with alkaline vegan ingredients.

Have your cake & eat it too

You probably love ground beef, right? You may be thinking, I’m going to miss my chili. I’m going to miss hamburgers. Nahh, all you need is a good alkaline vegan substitution for ground beef. Once you know how to substitute your base you can build and create everything you know and love. People create ground beef substitutes with legumes, nuts, and even mushrooms. Here’s a video of me incorporating alkaline vegan substitutions into my diet while still transitioning.

Aiyaken Sarai shows her alkaline vegan substitutions for burgers!

I found a recipe for walnut cheese and walnut patties. It was shocking when the walnut cheese tasted exactly like Caesar dressing! I wouldn’t have ever discovered this alkaline dressing substitute had I not attempted to create the alkaline cheese.

Another common alkaline substitute is frying mushrooms. People love to fry oyster mushrooms as a fried chicken substitute.

Alkaline vegan substitution for chicken. Alkaline vegan fried chick’n curtesy of Vegan With Curves

I’d say once you’ve had good fried chick’n you’ll NEVER say you can’t give up poultry again. How could one ever?!

Easy Alkaline Vegan Recipes

If you want to try some recipes out that you can use as staples on your alkaline vegan journey, don’t worry, I got you. One of the best plant based content creators has a YouTube channel called Grubbany. He not only has alkaline vegan recipes but also regular vegan as well. Be sure to check out his channel. Another channel worth exploring is Tys Conscious Kitchen. I consider this channel to be the OG alkaline channel. These two will give you so many alkaline vegan substitutions you’ll never be bored with your meals.

These recipes are simple and easy to incorporate into your daily routine. All of the ingredients can be found at your local grocery store, even readily available on Amazon. These are just a few examples of some of the basic alkaline dishes that you can make. Once you start seeing how other people are making substitutions in their meals, you’ll have original ideas on how you can go into the kitchen and just whip something up.

Alkaline Vegan Grocery List

Alkaline vegan substitutions originate at the grocery store. There are a few things to keep on your grocery list and to always have stocked in your cabinet. You’re going to want to have an alkaline flour. Almond flour is readily available and many of you may have already baked with it previously. Not everyone cooks with almond flour in the nutritional guide, so again you’ll have to make your own choices. Many people do not use baking powder in addition to their alkaline flours either. I’m not sure why. Baking powder doesn’t have any yeast in it and it is a wonderful rising agent. Again, just use your discretion.

You will want to have dates on your grocery list. Dates are a wonderful replacement for refined sugar. You can experiment with date syrup and date sugar. Maple syrup isn’t on the nutritional guide. I personally enjoy it, again use your discretion. There may be items that aren’t on the nutritional guide that you feel comfortable consuming. Agave is on the nutritional guide, I personally am not a fan of it.

Season your food if you want it to taste delicious!!!

Seasoning is going to be your best friend! It isn’t the meat itself that tastes so good, it’s the seasoning on the meat that makes it taste so delicious. The meat itself mostly provides the texture. You’ll want to season everything. Invest in quality organic seasonings. Seasonings are dried herbs and herbs are here to serve us. Herbs are here to provide national nutrients to our body.

You’re going to want to start experimenting with different oils as well. Go ahead and ditch the canola oil. Toss out the vegetable oil. It’s time to start cooking with avocado oil, perhaps grapeseed oil, or even sesame oil. Hempseed oil can be a little more expensive but they all provide you with additional health benefits as opposed to the saturated fat in canola and vegetable oil. Avocado oil and coconut oil are great additions to add to your salads and your vegetables.

Again, you do not have to make the switch overnight. Start incorporating small things and see what you do like and what you do not like. Before you know it, you’ll have transitioned fully into an alkaline vegan, or predominately.

Everything is Fine in Moderation

It’s important to stay consistent in your journey. If you’re going to incorporate one alkaline meal into your weekly routine stick with it. Remember, the meal doesn’t have to be elaborate. It could be something as simple as zoodles with an avocado sauce. DO NOT say that you’re going to do something and not follow through with you. This teaches you not to trust your own words and will create doubt and uncertainty that you have what it takes to make the lifestyle changes.

Also, don’t feel bad if you eat something that you know for a fact isn’t in the nutritional guide. It’s a GUIDE, not a universal law. Many people have seen a reversal of disease on the Atkins diet which still permits individuals to consume milk, dairy, eggs, and meat. So you just have to listen to your body.

Listen to Your Body

Sometimes the body just wants a burger. If you’re craving meat, it could be for a reason. Your body could be deficient in something that it could get from a particular food. In the case of craving a burger, your body could be deficient in nitrogen. You never know, I’m one who always encourages people to lean into their desires and figure out why they have such desires.

Dr. Sebi encourages people to drink a gallon of water a day. I personally, will not drink one gallon of water a day. Firstly, I do not weigh enough to consume one gallon of water a day. Secondly, I ended up in the hospital because I was flushing out my electrolytes drinking so much water a day. By listening to my body, I know that my body operates better when I consume coconut water as opposed to bottled water. I also know that my body loves the water from water-dense fruits and vegetables.

Listen to your body, it’ll always guide you in the right direction. It knows what it wants and what it needs. It’s up to you to have the discipline to move forward properly.


The alkaline diet has been amazing for so many people. It can seem a little daunting to consume meals created only from the items in the nutritional guide. While the guide may eliminate seemingly everything, you can always recreate your favorite meals with alkaline vegan substitutions. The only thing you need is a little creativity. Luckily for us, people have gone before us and paved the way. We’re not starting from scratch there are soOo many cookbooks providing us with alkaline vegan recipes.

If you need to start small, that’s okay. Begin this journey slowly by incorporating foods from the guide into your grocery cart week by week. It’s better to develop a taste for the items and see how you can use them as opposed to purchasing everything on the list all at once.

Listen to your body. If your body is signaling to you that you need something, more hydration or more nutrition- listen! Also, under no circumstances at all EVER should you substitute an infant’s baby formula with a recipe you found on the internet. There are breast milk banks and there are canned formulas in the grocery store. Please, please, please, do not be that person.

Thank you so much for reading this blog post. May you now have a better understanding of how to utilize alkaline vegan substitutions to turn your favorite meals into alkaline dishes. May you have a successful alkaline vegan journey! Remember, all things are possible, they are! The best is yet to come, and the odds are always in your favor! Take care!

-Aiyaken Sarai <3

This blog post was written without the assistance of AI