๐Ÿ‘‘ Modest Plant Based ๐Ÿ‘‘

All is mental. Explore esoteric knowledge and vibrate at high levels. Delicious alkaline vegan meals. Mindset Motivation

Dr. Sebi Nutritional Guide: How to make the guide work for you.

A beautiful brown skinned woman happily enjoying her meal


Look at you, embarking on an alkaline vegan journey! I commend you on deciding to explore alternative eating patterns. In this blog post, I’m going to be sharing tips on how to enjoy eating foods recommended by Dr. Sebi. You can find the official Dr. Sebi nutritional guide here. It may seem difficult to eliminate so many of your beloved food items from your diet.

I encourage you to set a time frame for how long you’ll undergo an alkaline vegan detox. An alkaline detox falls under the category of a partial fast. I’ve written a free eBook for you that goes into detail on how to prepare for a fast as well as how to break your fast. You can find that here. I encourage individuals to refeed with a Daniel detox which can 100% be alkaline.

Keep in mind

There isn’t sufficient scientific research found on Scholar Google that supports the claims made by Dr. Sebi. There are however multiple people who testify to the wonders of following his instructions. Dr. Sebi even won a lawsuit after being sued for practicing medicine without proper licensing. Over 60 individuals came forward on his behalf. They testified that his advice and treatments helped them reverse many patented diseases said to not have a cure. His treatment consisted of only eating foods recommended by his guide, in addition to taking his herbal supplements. Dr. Sebi was once suffering from several health ailments and was treated by a healer in Mexico. He went on to share his story and newfound knowledge with the rest of the world. All is mental. Do you think an alkaline detox will help you achieve your health goals?

Approved Foods on Dr. Sebi nutritional guide.

You’ll find many of your childhood favorites listed. It may come as a shock that certain crowd-favorite veggies have been omitted such as potatoes and corn. No need to fret, almost all of your favorite meals can be recreated with alkaline vegan substitutions. Do not consider what isn’t on the list, consider the possibilities of what you can consume during this detox.

Dr. Sebi says that all disease stems from an over-accumulation of mucus in the body. According to Dr. Sebi, the foods that aren’t listed in his nutritional guide aid in the overproduction of mucus, thus aiding in disease.

Approved Fruits

Here you’ll see the approved fruits mentioned in Dr. Sebi nutritional guide.

Dr. Seibi approved fruits from Dr. Sebi nutritional guide

Approved Veggies

Here you’ll see the approved vegetables listed in Dr. Sebi nutritional guide.

Dr. Seibi approved vegetables from Dr. Sebi nutritional guide

Approved Nuts & Seed

Here, you’ll see a list of the approved nuts and seeds in Dr. Sebi nutritional guide.

Dr. Seibi approved nuts and seeds from Dr. Sebi nutritional guide

Approved Grains

Here, you’ll see the approved grains in Dr. Sebi nutritional guide.

Dr. Seibi approved grains from Dr. Sebi nutritional guide

Approved Spices

Here, you’ll see a list of the approved spices and flavors mentioned in Dr. Sebi nutritional guide.

Dr. Seibi approved spices from Dr. Sebi nutritional guide
Dr. Seibi approved flavors from Dr. Sebi nutritional guide

Approved Oils

There are a few oils in the guide that Dr. Sebi encourages you to consume raw. He discourages heating olive oil and coconut oil.

Dr. Seibi approved oils from Dr. Sebi nutritional guide

Approved Teas

Stock up on your teas! Here are the teas that Dr. Sebi recommends.

Dr. Seibi approved teas from Dr. Sebi nutritional guide

Making the guide work for you

You’re embarking on this journey for a reason. Keep that reason at the forefront of your mind. If you are not ready to become an alkaline vegan cold turkey, it’s okay to slowly inch your way there by transitioning. Begin swapping approved items for non-approved items. For example, wheat is not listed in the nutritional guide, but garbanzo beans are. You could swap the type of pasta that you buy. Instead of purchasing pasta made of wheat, you can purchase pasta made of chickpeas. Another example is vegetable oil and canola oil. They are not on the nutritional guide, but grapeseed oil is. You could swap out your canola oil and begin cooking with grapeseed oil.

It’s always a great idea to have some sort of plan in mind when it comes to your meals. What if you incorporated one alkaline meal into your diet every week? This will get your mind programmed to shop for alkaline vegan items at the store. It will also get you in the habit of planning your meals, which will prove to be extremely beneficial in the future.

You have to do what works for you. It’s better to inch your way into the alkaline lifestyle as opposed to jumping in and not being able to keep up. There is no condemnation when it comes to your health journey. Are you interested in participating in a six-week alkaline vegan detox? I’ve written a blog post that breaks down step by step how you can ease your way into the alkaline vegan lifestyle. You can find that blog post here.


While the scientific evidence of the specific claims made by Dr. Sebi isn’t readily available in scholarly articles, there is sufficient evidence of plant-based lifestyles drastically improving the health conditions of individuals. Multiple people sing praises to Dr. Sebi and credit his alkaline vegan nutritional guide as the catalyst for the reversal of autoimmune disorders and other diseases that were said to be uncurable.

Go within and ask yourself if you think an alkaline vegan diet will be beneficial for you. I also encourage you to speak with your primary care physician about beginning your journey. Be sure to have lab work done so you can prepare your before and after. Your physician will also be able to monitor you while you’re detoxing.

You don’t have to go from eating any and everything today to being 100% alkaline vegan tomorrow. It’s perfectly okay to transition into this lifestyle. You can choose the alkaline vegan detox for a specific time frame, or you can aim to only consume items listed on the nutritional guide. It’s all up to you boo.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. May you now have a better understanding of the foods recommended in Dr. Sebi’s nutritional guide. If you need any help with substitutions in your favorite dishes, feel free to check out this blog post here. Remember, all things are possible, they are! The best is yet to come, and the odds are always in your favor. Take care!

-Aiyaken Sarai <3

This blog post was written without the assistance of AI