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All is mental. Explore esoteric knowledge and vibrate at high levels. Delicious alkaline vegan meals. Mindset Motivation

Alkaline Vegan: How to keep your meals interesting so you don’t get bored.


It’s easy to be excited about something new. Especially when you’re beginning a journey based on your New Year’s resolutions. Often time people have the wonderful idea that they will begin eating cleaner and going to the gym more frequently. It’s easy to be enthused during the beginning phase, it can get boring and downright difficult once you’ve gotten in the thick of it. In this post, I’m going to share six suggestions that you can take with you on your journey of completing an alkaline vegan diet. These six suggestions are:

  1. Know your why.
  2. Find substitutions for your favorite meals.
  3. Explore different recipes.
  4. Join a community.
  5. Let this be a bonding experience.
  6. Enjoy stepping out of your comfort zone.

Know your why

When you’re beginning anything new, it’s a good idea to have a reason in mind. Everything is mental. I say this all of the time. The thoughts that you think can penetrate through time, space, and matter. Your body is matter, the objects you hold and eat are matter. Having a concrete reason for why you’re undergoing an alkaline diet will keep you motivated and inspired to complete the task.

Are you completing an alkaline vegan diet because you want a powerful detox that will help reverse different health ailments? If so, I commend you on taking this step! I’ve written a free eBook for you that goes into detail on the benefits of fasting, different types of fasting, and how to successfully break a fast. An alkaline detox would fall in line under a ‘partial fast.’ You can read that eBook here.

If you’re beginning your alkaline vegan diet because you want to lose weight, ask yourself, ‘Why do I want to lose weight?’ Do you want to lose weight because you think it’ll make you appear to be more beautiful? If so, that isn’t the best reason to lose weight. It can lead to distortion. If you feel beautiful before you lose the weight, you’ll continue to feel beautiful after you lose the weight. Whatever your reasons are, keep them at the forefront of your mind.

Substitute your favorite meals

It’s a great idea to set aside time for preparation when you’re beginning an alkaline detox. If you’re following an alkaline detox that is approved by the nutritional guide of Dr.Sebi you may feel that your options are limited. Rest assured that many people have found ways to recreate their favorite dishes. Set a time frame for how long your detox will last and research substitutions for your favorite dishes. For example, do you enjoy eating tacos? There are recipes that you can find online that teach you how to use walnuts as mock ground beef. People use the leaves of collard greens to wrap their tacos. There are even taco shells and tortilla wraps made out of coconut flour. One of my favorite YouTubers that teaches people how to cook delicious meals inspired by Dr. Sebi’s nutritional guide is Ty’s Conscious Kitchen!

Explore your favorite dishes!

My favorite food is crispy french fries with shredded cheese, ranch dressing, and hot sauce. Bonus points if I can get some chili cheese fries. **faints** For a lot of vegans, the decision to give up cheese can be difficult. It can also be challenging to find really good vegan cheese. When you’re on an alkaline vegan detox following the recommendations from Dr. Sebi nutritional guide, it’s easy to get in the mind-frame that dishes like cheese fries simply aren’t possible! What if it was? What if it was possible to have a modified version of all of your favorite foods? Well, it is! So, cheer up, Charlie because all things are possible!

You’ve prepared for your fast and have set yourself up for success. You already have an idea of everything you need to purchase when you go into the store. You’ll already have your meals planned out for the weeks to come. And you’ll have an anticipation of the meals you’ll consume. The worst thing you can do for yourself is say to yourself, ‘I will just wing it.’ This is the perfect time for you to experiment and explore different recipes which brings me to my next point.

Explore different recipes

This comes with proper planning. Unless of course, you’re someone who enjoys going to the grocery store or having your groceries delivered to you daily. If that’s you, go right on ahead! However, if you’re anything like me, you enjoy having everything you need, right when you need it. In addition to seeking out recipes that have substitutions for your favorite meals, it could also be fun to try new meals with ingredients you haven’t tried before. The first time I tried chayote squash I was like, ‘What in the world is this?!’ You’ll never know if you do or do not enjoy food unless you try it. Something may look a little odd if it isn’t native to your culture, but do not count it out. Having different recipes on hand keeps the detox exciting.

Join a community

There is strength in numbers. You may be the only person you know who is remotely interested in detoxing. Just because the people in your immediate surroundings aren’t interested doesn’t mean that you’re alone. There are thousands of individuals that you can connect with online who are interested in an alkaline detox. Honestly, there’s a community for any and everything online. That’s the power of the internet.

Connecting with a community allows you to immerse yourself in the alkaline detox. You’ll be able to see meals other people are creating. You can get tips and tricks on how to prepare your alkaline substitutions. You may see some of the flops that others have made and take their advice on what not to do. You’ll also see that not all flops are a flop. For example, I made an alkaline vegan cheese made of walnuts and spices. Did it come out tasting like cheese? No. It did however come out tasting exactly like Caesar dressing! I wouldn’t have ever known that had I not tried it!

Joining a community can also keep you on track when you feel like giving up. Let’s not pretend that those moments never cross our minds. When you see that there are a plethora of other people undergoing the same detox as you, it’ll inspire you to keep going. One alkaline vegan group that I can recommend is a Facebook group called ‘Alkaline Vegan Girls’ which is amazing! Despite the name, it is CO-ED. There are a healthy number of men in the community as well.

Let this be a bonding experience

If you’re fortunate to have someone embark on this journey with you, you two will have an amazing time exploring different foods together. You’ll cheer each other on and be proud of the successes that you achieve. Again, it is imperative to have a community. Even if you immerse yourself in an online community. If you’re embarking on this journey with your spouse, may the two of you strengthen your communication with one another and affirm the love you have for one another. Couples who improve together, stay together.

If you and your friends are undergoing this challenge together, may all of you level up to the best of your abilities. May you encourage and cheer each other along the way.

If you’re rocking out by yourself, may you discover the strength that you have within yourself. May you realize how powerful you are. May you know that food is thy medicine!

Enjoy stepping out of your comfort zone!

When you’re on a detox, you aren’t just changing the types of food that you eat. You’re also learning about your body and the way it responds to being in certain environments. You may begin going to the gym again. Know that you belong there. You may begin shopping at different grocery stores to find the ingredients from the nutritional guide. Know that you belong there. You may have to shop in different sections of department stores because you no longer wear the same size. Know that you belong there.

When you’ve been accustomed to the Standard American Diet the norm is being fat, sick, and nearly dead. You’re now eating real foods. Whole fruits, fresh vegetables. Herbs, nuts and seeds. Your immediate friends and family may see the changes you’re making and be inspired to make similar changes in their lives based on the success you’ve had. Or they may look at you sideways. Either way. Either way. You are the person who gets to determine the way that you feel. If you feel uncomfortable it could mean that you’re being stretched in a way that’s going to help you grow.

Treat yourself

Taking time out of your life to focus solely on yourself is a luxury that we often neglect. I say a luxury, only because it seems to have become a lost necessity. Due to hectic schedules, people now look at self-care as a luxury. Your health should be your top priority. Your family members want to have you around for as long as possible. When you are eating healthy, keeping your body in motion, and protecting your mental health, you’re doing everything in your power to ensure that happens. Treat yourself to the luxury of trying new dishes and treat yourself to the idea of protecting your body from toxins found in the SAD diet.

I don’t know what it is, but when you’re changing your eating habits, it makes you want to exercise. When you’re exercising, there’s something (science will say dopamine) that takes place where life just feels better. The reflection you see in the mirror is friendlier. The thoughts passing through your head (for those of you who hear audibly, did you know not all of us can!?) are friendlier. Yes, it is a luxury to be at peace with yourself, and it’s a luxury that you’re able to take FULL ADVANTAGE of.


One of the best things you can do for yourself as you embark on the alkaline journey is to surround yourself with like-minded individuals. If you aren’t taking this step with someone you know, people on the internet can be the next best thing! You know the saying, ‘If you do not plan, you plan to fail.’ It’s a great idea to map out alkaline vegan breakfast ideas, as well as dinner, snacks, and dessert options. This will not only help you stay organized and focused, but it’ll also keep your mind interested throughout the detox.

Speaking of your mind, all is mental. You need to have a concrete reason for why you’re doing this detox. It’ll keep your head above the water when you have been detoxing for several weeks. Step out of your comfort zone. Try new recipes, and explore your Indian, Asian, and Spanish markets to find items that aren’t readily provided at the mass retail chains.

Thank you for reading this blog post. May you now have a better understanding of ways you can keep yourself interested and entertained while on an alkaline vegan detox. Remember, all things are possible, they are! The best is yet to come, and the odds are always in your favor! Take care!

-Aiyaken Sarai <3

This blog post was written without the assistance of AI