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The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy states that everything exists, and nothing ceases to exist- it simply changes form.

“Evaporation. Condensation. Precipitation. It’s all water in different forms.”

– Goddess Sarai <3


The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy is one of the twelve universal laws. I like to refer to these laws as natural laws because humans don’t know for sure if these laws are in effect outside of Earth. We don’t know for sure who ordained these laws or how they were ordained but one thing is for sure, we can see the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy in action when we see water transforming into ice and steam. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy is the answer to the question, ‘Why do thoughts become things?’

We all know that everything is energy. We all know that energy cannot be created or destroyed. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy states that everything continues to exist in some way shape or form. Before we go too deep into this topic I want to address something. It is my opinion that scientists and theologians refer to the same ‘thing’ when they say, “Energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Energy is in all places at all times.” and “God is in all places at all times. God cannot be created nor destroyed.”

I know many of you are interested in manifesting. I've created a free manifestation journal for those of you who have a Christian paradigm. In this journal, you can explore how manifesting is 100% biblical. You can grab that free journal here! 

Logically, one could conclude, ‘God is energy. I am energy, I am God.’ This is something that I do not believe. I believe that humans are an extension of God, which I refer to as the source of all creation, consciousness, intelligence, and awareness. I also believe that the source alone has the power to destroy energy, while others can transform energy. Now that I have stated my personal beliefs, I will continue explaining what the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy is, how it works, and how you can leverage it in your life.

What is the law of perpetual transmutation of energy?

Let’s break down what the name itself suggests. Transmutation means, ‘the ability to change form.’  Perpetual means, ‘never-ending, occurring repeatedly.’ Energy means, ‘a quantitative property that can be converted into form, but cannot be created nor destroyed.’ The name itself suggests the meaning of a never-ending ability for a quantitative property to change form. 

You’ve seen water change into many forms. You’ve seen water transform into ice, steam, and condensation. The Creator of this world created everything to work in harmony with each other. Two separate humans can share their cells and create another human. As that human is growing, it eats food from the earth, and their body expels waste that in return nurtures the very same soil that provides a sustainable environment for the food to grow. When that person dies, their body is buried in the ground, and as their body decays the soil feeds off of the human corpse. The circle of life is the perfect example of the Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy. You can learn more about the divine oneness in the world by reading this post if you’re interested.

Our thoughts are energy and can penetrate through time, space, and matter. We see our thoughts change form when they are manifested in the physical realm. Not only are thoughts manifested in the physical realm, but the feelings we feel travel through the ether to attract things in harmony into our lives. Which are then manifested in the physical realm. Our thoughts influence our actions. Meaning our thoughts are transformed into action. We know this because typically before we act, we have a thought that influences that action. 

How to use the law of perpetual transmutation of energy in your life.

You can leverage this law by understanding that you can transform your energy to create the life you want and influence the lives of others. This could be used to harm, or it can be used for good. I’ll say that positive energy trumps negative energy. It does, I’m not just being a hippie. Harmful thoughts and feelings have a lower frequency than positive thoughts and feelings. Which means that they do not pierce space and time as sharply. I’d compare it with a Pampered Chef paring knife with a Dollar Tree butter knife. 

Have you ever been so angry that you get yourself all worked up to the point that your blood is boiling? When you’re this angry it’s easy to think about doing something detrimental that you’ll regret later. Fear not. You can transform the energy that you’re putting into those angry thoughts and feelings into a wonderfully therapeutic exercise session. Go for a long brisk walk. Enjoy a run or a jog. Put on some boxing gloves and take a few swings at the punching bag. You could also turn your angry thoughts and feelings into a piece of art: a painting, pottery, a poem. Always transform something negative into a positive.

Another example,

Another way you can transform energy is by taking inspired action on an idea you had. Draft a plan for how you’ll achieve your new goal. You can write affirmations for you to read. Rcord your affirmations so you can listen to them, and you can visualize yourself achieving the goal. Deliberately think thoughts and feelings that you know will be embedded into your subconscious mind because you understand that thoughts and feelings become physical things because your body is an extension of the mind. Every thought and feeling accepted by your subconscious mind lives in the cells of your body. Your body emits these cells at a rate of 50,000 cells per second, and those cells travel through the ether to attract harmonious things/ situations/ opportunities and people into your life.


Everything that we see in the physical realm started with an idea. Even our world itself.  You have the power to co-create your life with the source. You are fully capable of seeing the state of your current reality and making the choice to manifest a new reality. All you need to do is acknowledge that your current reality is a result of the previous thoughts you’ve had and previous actions you’ve taken. You’re able to think of new thoughts and take new actions.

Remember, all energy can be transformed into something different. There isn’t any need to fear your negative thoughts. Transform them. As mentioned before you can turn your hurt and pain into beautiful art. It can be used as a motivating factor to create change. If you feel that people are sending bad vibes your way, transform their energy into something positive. Just think, they’re taking time out of their day and utilizing their life force on you. Transform that negative energy into positive energy by thanking them for sending you their energy. It reinforces how special you are.

May you have a full understanding of the way the natural laws work in harmony with each other. If you’re still wondering how to go about leveraging ALL of the laws in your life, you can learn more in this article. It goes into detail about how all of the laws work in harmony with each other.

Before you go,

I appreciate you taking the time to read this article. If you enjoyed this one, be sure to check out the others on the natural laws and begin creating the life you’ve always imagined. If you can dream it, you can do it! Remember, all things are possible, they are! The best is yet to come, and the odds are always in your favor. Take care!

Aiyaken Sarai 💚👑

This blog post was written without the assistance of AI