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The Law of Cause and Effect

The law of Cause and Effect states that there is an equal and opposite reaction for every action that is taken. This means that everything you do has a consequence. Your perception determines if it is positive or negative. 

“When I was a kid, one of my favorite songs was ‘Good Enough’ by Evanescence. As the song is closing Amy Lee sings, ‘So take care of what you ask of me, cause I can’t say no.’ Similarly, consequences do not say, ‘no’ to the actions we take.”

– Goddess Sarai <3

What is the Law of Cause and Effect?

According to the Law of Cause and Effect, there is a reaction to every action that is taken. The Law of Cause and Effect is one of the twelve universal laws. I like to refer to these laws as natural laws because we humans do not know for sure if these laws are in effect outside of Earth. No one knows for sure who ordained these laws or how they were initiated. One thing is for sure, we can see the Law of Cause and Effect when we decide to take any action and see the outcome of said action. One could argue that not taking action is an action in and of itself. 

Everything that takes place has a reaction. Not just the actions of humans, but other living things in the world and the cosmos as well. When rain falls from the sky the droplets hit the ocean and the entire shoreline is altered. The moon setting and rising causes there to be an effect on tidal waves, and human bodies. Someone not washing their hands can spread germs to other people who later touch the same objects. The wind could blow and spread the small flame of a cigarette lying on the ground, erupting a wildfire and destroying multiple homes. One driver could show could show another kindness letting them cross over in traffic. Which spreads a chain of charity acts throughout the day. Someone could decide to hire an employee, and because of their decision, the entire trajectory of someone’s life and the lives of their family is changed for the better. 

I know many of you are interested in manifesting. I've created a free manifestation journal for those of you who have a Christian paradigm. In this journal, you can explore how manifesting is 100% biblical. You can grab that free journal here! 

We’re all connected

Every single choice that someone makes has the potential to change not only their lives but the lives of others around them. Every choice that we make affects the future in some way or another, even if we don’t see it. Think of how different the world would be today if Africans weren’t brought to America as slaves. Or if Hitler didn’t have a vendetta against Jewish people. How different would the world be today if Vincent Van Gough decided to be a carpenter? Think of how different the world would be today if the creators of Pinterest said to themselves, ‘The world doesn’t need another search engine.’ Even on a smaller scale of thinking, imagine a world where you decided to go to a different school than you went to. Imagine if you never met ____. Imagine if you decided to read another blog post rather than mine. Every choice we make has a reaction. 

How to use the Law of Cause and Effect.

You can leverage the Law of Cause and Effect in many ways. Keep in mind that when you accept your divinity you are no longer taking the backseat in life. You’re in the driver’s seat. You’re the one in control. When we become co-creators with the source of all creation, consciousness, intelligence, and awareness we BECOME the cause. We know that our thoughts create our reality. Our thoughts are the cause. We know that the actions that we take multiply the thoughts, feelings, and words that we are sending into the ether. Our actions are the cause. Be the cause!

You can think of the Law of Cause and Effect as compound interest.

If you have a goal that you’re trying to reach, every action that you take toward accomplishing that goal is multiplied. If you have a goal of reaching a certain level of fitness, every workout that you put in is going towards reaching that goal. Every positive thought that you think is going towards that goal. All the good feelings you feel are going towards reaching that goal. All of the nutrients you’re consuming are going towards that goal.

Realize that the actions you take affect the collective consciousness.

The things you do affect the lives of other people. Your smile could give someone faith in the fact that everything is going to be okay. Letting someone cross at an intersection may help them be on time for their bus. If they had to wait for the next bus they would have missed their connecting bus to get home. What if that was the last bus for that day? By not engaging in conflict, you could prevent a person from completely snapping and having a nervous breakdown. Your kind words could prevent someone from hurting themselves. Your decision to speak up when you see something that looks a little off could save the lives of multiple people. 

Oftentimes you will hear the Law of Cause and Effect linked to ‘Karma.’ I’m here to tell you that it’s soOo much more than reaping and sowing. Karma states that the actions you take have a direct effect on you. However, the Law of Cause and Effect goes a step further because it involves how your actions affect not only yourself, but the earth, the cosmos, and the collective consciousness. Have you ever heard the phrase, “The world would be a better place if…” Well, it’s true, the world WOULD be a much better place if people thought positive thoughts more often, felt positive feelings and took positive actions more often. 

Accepting responsibility

People discredit the natural laws because they feel the laws are telling them that if they’ve had misfortunes it’s their fault. I’ll be honest and say that I do believe that people need to take responsibility for the thoughts they think. People need to take responsibility for the feelings they feel and the actions they’ve taken. Some people always find another person to blame. These are people who aren’t ready to experience change yet. For the people who are questioning, ‘Was it my fault?’ The answer is, more than likely no. However, some negative experiences in our lives could have been avoided if we had made different choices. I know that this is a harsh truth.

You aren’t responsible for the choices of another person. Again, it all goes back to everything being connected and how the law of cause and effect is deeper than karma. Our thoughts and actions can have a direct effect on the lives of other people and the world. If someone chooses to take any action that hurts you, that’s an example of how actions affect the collective consciousness as a whole. I can recall a time when I chose to hang around people who didn’t have my best interest at heart. I chose to get so drunk that I wasn’t in control of my body, and as a result, I put myself in a situation that resulted in me getting hurt. Was it my fault that someone chose to hurt me? No, but hey did. Did my choice to get so drunk that I didn’t have control of my body cause me to get hurt? Yes. Thankfully through therapy, I was able to let go and move on. Everything is a learning experience.

Wait what,

One may read what I just said and scratch their head. It wasn’t your fault, but it was your fault? Yes. I take responsibility for my part in the situation. I understand that I didn’t deserve what happened, but it did. It happened because of a choice that I made, and an action that someone else took. Everything is connected.

I say this to say that if you’re exploring the world of metaphysics, and you’ve come across the universal laws and are thinking to yourself, ‘I didn’t choose this reality for myself!’ or ‘I didn’t want those horrible things to happen to me!’ Just know that these laws are here to help you, not cause any additional pain to you. I’ll use myself as an example. After my incident, it took years for me to get to a mental space where I could begin to leverage these laws. In addition to mastering these laws, I gained a new understanding of my connection to the source of all creation, consciousness, intelligence, and awareness. I found peace with my past and gained hope for a better future. Most importantly, I learned to enjoy the present moment. Even better, I was able to embrace my divinity.


The law of cause and effect is much more than reaping and sowing. It’s much more than karma. We have the opportunity to be the cause in our lives. Karma doesn’t always affect a person the way we would hope. This is proven by all of the injustices in the world. One may say, ‘God will send them to hell if karma doesn’t get them here!’ Unfortunately, in the Abrahamic faith, all one has to do is simply ask for forgiveness and their eternity will be spared. The law of cause and effect however is definitive. Be the cause.

May you have a better understanding of the Law of Cause and Effect and have a better understanding of how to be the cause in your reality. If you enjoyed this article, be sure to check out THIS article. It goes into detail about the other natural laws and how they work in harmony with each other. Remember, all things are possible, they are! The best is yet to come, and the odds are always in your favor. Take care!

Aiyaken Sarai 💚👑

This blog post was written without the assistance of AI